Faculty and students at Telecom SudParis are regularly recognized for the value of their work and the national or international influence of their teaching and\/or research activities.<\/strong><\/p>\n Nesrine Kaaniche, Associate Professor at Telecom SudParis, and her PhD student Akram Bendoukha, win an ECAI Outstanding Paper Award at the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024), which took place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. During this A-rank conference, 2,344 scientific papers were submitted, but only three were awarded.<\/p>\n They share this award with Renaud Sirdey, research director at CEA and Aymen Boudguiga, cybersecurity researcher at the Commissariat \u00e0 l'Energie Atomique, for their joint paper \u201cFairCognizer: a model for accurate predictions with inherent fairness evaluation<\/a>\u201d.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Aliz\u00e9e Mesnard, Arthur Chauve, Yohan Fran\u00e7ois and Lucien Ly are four engineering students at Telecom SudParis and members of the Junior Entreprise Sprint association. With logistical support from Quentin Michaud, another Telecom SudParis student, they won the 2023 Most Impactful Project Award at the Excellence Awards<\/a> held by the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises<\/a> (JEE) at the 2023 JEE Winter Conference, attended by junior companies from 16 countries around Europe.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Anatole Lefort, who was also recognized at the SOSP conference in 2021, was awarded the 2022 Future Engineer Trophy - Research category (fr)<\/a> - from L\u2019Usine Nouvelle. His research at the SAMOVAR Laboratory at Telecom SudParis is on the topic of persistent memory.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n In September 2022, IMT \/ Telecom SudParis joined Campus Cyber, an emblematic site with the aim of showcasing French excellence in the field of security for digital technology. This is a mark of recognition of the expertise at our school and at Institut Mines-Telecom in cybersecurity training and research.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The article is entitled \u201cJ-NVM: Off-Heap Persistent Objects in Java\u201d, by Anatole Lefort et al. from the SAMOVAR<\/a> team, supervised by Professor Ga\u00ebl Thomas at Telecom SudParis. It is the third French paper to be accepted<\/a> for the conference in 50 years. SOSP<\/a> is the leading conference for the international systems community. It was at this event that major, game-changing innovations were introduced, which are the foundation of all modern computer systems architectures.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The 2021 Telecom SudParis graduate received this award for her graduation project, undertaken at Thales SIX GTS France (fr)<\/a> and titled \u201cStudy and Integration of Application Firewalls\u201d. The Electricity, Electronics and Information and Communication Technology Society is made up of approximately 1,500 members and 19 partners (industrial and academic). It recognizes researchers who have made extremelysignificant scientific and technological breakthroughs in the fields of electrical energy, electronics, telecommunications, information processing and related fields.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Sonia Ben Ayed (Class of 2020) was awarded the Prize for the Best Internship and the Jury Favorite Award (fr)<\/a> for her internship project at Cisco<\/a>, titled \u201cDeployment of an Agile Cloud-Hosted Range-Finding Solution\u201d.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n 2020 Telecom SudParis graduate Youri Peskine was awarded the 2020 National Youth Andr\u00e9 Blanc-Lapierre Prize<\/a>, awarded by the Electricity, Electronics and Information and Communication Technology Society and ITCs for his graduation internship, which he completed at Polytechnique Montr\u00e9al. The topic of his project was \u201cAutomatic Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy in Fundus Photography Using Deep Learning\u201d.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Thomas Tournaire, PhD student at Nokia and the Telecom SudParis SAMOVAR Laboratory, was awarded the 2020 Nokia France Student Award in the Bell Labs category for his thesis \u201cOptimization of Costs and Performance in the Cloud: Combining Model-Based and Non-Model-Based AI Approaches\u201d, supervised by Hind Castel-Taleb, professor at Telecom SudParis, and Emmanuel Hyon, lecturer at Universit\u00e9 Paris X.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Daqing Zhang, professor in the Networks and Mobile Multimedia Services Department at Telecom SudParis since 2007, was recognized for his \u201ccontributions to context-aware mobile and pervasive systems\u201d by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is the director of the Ambient Intelligence and Pervasive System Group.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Professor Walid Gaaloul, professor at T\u00e9l\u00e9com SudParis, along with CEA researchers Kunal Suri and Arnaud Cuccuru, , received the Best Paper Award for their study, titled \u201cConfigurable IoT-Aware Allocation in Business Processes\u201d at the SCC 2018 international conference, which took place on June 25 to 30, 2018 in Seattle, USA.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Professor Walid Gaaloul and his PhD student, Hayet Brabra, received the Distinguished Paper Award for their study, titled \u201cModel-Driven Elasticity for Cloud Resources\u201d at the 30th<\/sup> International Conference on Advanced Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2018, held in Talinn, Estonia from June 11-15.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The IDEA4SWIFT project received the Innovation and Business Impact ITEA Award<\/a> of Excellence, recognizing the efficiency of its algorithms and the societal importance of its research, at ITEA 3 2018 as part of the 2018 Eureka Innovation Days, in Helsinki, Finland, on 24 May.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The CONVINcE project was awarded the Celtic-Plus Award in the Excellence category, at the 2018 Celtic-Plus Conference<\/a> in Helsinki, Finland on May 24, 2018. Led among others by Noel Crespi, professor at Telecom SudParis, the CONVINcE project aimed to reduce energy consumption in networks for transmitting video content. This research, undertaken at Telecom SudParis, involves implementing \u201ccaching\u201d strategies while accounting for social networks<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/article>\n\n <\/main>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n\t<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>Telecom SudParis researchers and PhD students won an ECAI \"Outstanding Paper Award\" (ECAI 2024)<\/h3>\n
Junior Entreprise Sprint receives the Most Impactful Project award at the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises (JEE)<\/h3>\n
Anatole Lefort, winner of the 2022 Future Engineer Trophy<\/h3>\n
Engineering school IMT Telecom SudParis becomes an official resident of Campus Cyber<\/h3>\n
French scientific article accepted for the 2021 SOSP conference<\/h3>\n
Constance Chou wins the 2021 National Youth Andr\u00e9 Blanc-Lapierre Prize, awarded by the SEE.<\/h3>\n
2021 Fondation Mines-Telecom Award: Sonia Ben Ayed receives the Award for the Best Graduation Internship<\/h3>\n
Youri Peskine receives the 2020 SEE Andr\u00e9 Blanc-Lapierre Prize<\/h3>\n
2020 Nokia France Student Award<\/h3>\n
Professeur Daqing Zhang is named 2019 IEEE Fellow<\/h3>\n
2018 Best Paper Award \/ SCC: 119-136 15th<\/sup> International Conference on Services Computing - SCC 2018, held as part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2018, Seattle, WA, USA, June 25-30, 2018<\/h3>\n
Distinguished Paper Award \/ 2018 International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering<\/h3>\n
ITEA Awards of Excellence (Innovation - Business Impact) \/ Eureka Days 2018<\/h3>\n
Celtic-Plus Excellence Award \/ Celtic-Plus Conference 2018<\/h3>\n
\n\t Awards and honors <\/h1>\n \n\t <\/header>\n \n
<\/div><\/section> <\/div>\n \n
