Tuition and fees at Telecom SudParis

The cost of tuition at Telecom SudParis is set by ministerial decree.

1 - Enrollment fees for the General Engineering program, excluding agreements

1.1 - Tuition and fees for the 2023-2024 academic year for students who began their studies prior to 07/01/2023 are as follows:

Student/ statusCosts of tuitionCost of feesTotal amount dueComments
El 1, 2 ou 3
French or foreign national from the EEA/UE*2900€0€2900€Possible exemption based on social criteria
El 1, 2 ou 3
Other4550€0€4550€Exemption possible for French government scholarship holders

(*) Foreign national from a European Union Member State, from another State party to the European Economic Area agreement, or from the Swiss Confederation, or the child, spouse or partner of a national of one of the European Union Member States, or an individual holding long-term resident status in a European Union State, or whose father, mother or legal guardian holds said status. Foreign students who hold a temporary residence permit and have been dependent on a tax household located in France for at least two years also pay the same tuition amount.


1.2 - Tuition and fees for 2023-2024 for students who began their studies between 07/01/2018 and 06/30/2023 are as follows:

Year ProgramStudent/ statusCosts of tuitionCost of feesTotal amount dueComments
El 1, 2 or 3French or foreign national from the EEA/UE*2650€0€2650€Possible exemption based on social criteria
El 1, 2 or 3Other4150€0€2650€Exemption of €1,500 in accordance with the decision of the IMT board of directors on  29/06/2018
EI extended until 01/31/2024French or foreign national from the EEA/UE*1325€0€1325€Possible exemption based on social criteria
Mandatory training contract
EI extended until 31/01/2024Other2075€0€1325€Exemption of €750 in accordance with the decision of the IMT board of directors on 06/29/2018
EI extended after 31/01/2024French or foreign national from the EEA/UE*2650€0€2650€Mandatory training contract
EI extended after 31/01/2024Other4150 €0€2650€Mandatory training contract
Exemption of €1,500 in accordance with the decision of the IMT board of directors on 06/29/2018

(*) See 1.1.


1.3 - Tuition and fees for 2023-2024 for students who began their studies between 07/01/2016 and 06/30/2018 are as follows:

Year ProgramStudent / statusCosts of tuitionCost of feesTotal amount dueComments
EI 2 or 3French or foreign national from the EEA/UE*2150€450€2600€Possible exemption based on social criteria
EI 2 or 3Other4150€450€2600€Exemption of €2000 in accordance with the decision of the IMT board of directors on 06/29/2018
EI PLG until 31/01/2024French or foreign national from the EEA/UE*1075€exemption1075€Mandatory training contract
EI PLG until 31/01/2023Other2075€exemption1075€Mandatory training contract
Exemption of €1000 in accordance with the decision of the IMT board of directors on 06/29/2018
EI PLG after 31/01/2024French or foreign national from the EEA/UE*2150€450€2600€Mandatory training contract
EI PLG after 31/01/2023Other4150€450€2600€Exemption of €2000 in accordance with the decision of the IMT board of directors on 06/29/2018

(*) See 1.1.


2 - General Engineering program, under agreement

2.1 - Tuition and fees for incoming students at the school are based on the agreements in force. For the 2023-2024 academic year, they are as follows:

Year ProgramStudent / statusCosts of tuitionCost of feesTotal amount dueComments
El 2 or 3All dual degreesBy agreementBy agreementBy agreementAgreement
El 2 ou 3Other4550€0€4550€Possible exemption based on social criteria

NB: For students studying abroad for one semester of EI3, cost of tuition is set by the agreement between the home school and Télécom SudParis or Institut Mines-Télécom.


2.2 - Tuition and fees for incoming students who entered the school before 07/01/2022 shall be established in accordance with the current agreements and shall be, for the year 2023-2024, as follows:

Year ProgramStudent / statusDate de début du Double DiplômeCosts of tuitionCost of feesTotal amount dueComments
El 3All dual degree except ENSAESeptember 20232650€0 €2650€In 2nd year at partner school
El 3Dual Degree ENSAESeptember 20230€0€0€In 2nd year at ENSAE
El 3 PLGAll Dual DegreesSeptember 20231325€0€1325€In 3rd year at partner school

NB1: For students in a DD situation at ISUP or ENSAE, fees and tuition fees specific to these establishments and payable to these establishments may be required.
NB2: In absence of an agreement, or if the agreement between the institutions does not specify the fees payable by the student to his or her home institution, a student on an international mobility program leading to the award of two diplomas pays tuition fees to his or home institution for the first year abroad, and benefits from a total exemption from fees for the period of schooling extension.


3 - “Architecture and Intelligence for Networks” specialization program (VAP AIR), vocational contract

VAP AIR (3rd year FISE) students with a vocational contract are exempt from tuition and fees.

4 – Gap year

For students enrolled in a gap year who are supported by the school, the amount of tuition fees collected is reduced to half the amount payable by European students. In this case, the application fee will be 265€.

By decision of the school director, tuition fees may be waived in full if the gap year does not require any support from the school.

For students taking a one-semester break during the academic year, and who are not supported by the school during this break, the school charges tuition fees for the semester the student spends there. In this case, the tuition fee is reduced to half the amount normally payable by the student.

5 - Exemption based on social criteria

n accordance with the Order of February 17, 2023 amending the Order of March 17, 2017 setting tuition fees for engineering courses at Institut Mines-Télécom:

- Recipients of a higher education scholarship awarded by the State and wards of the State are rightfully exempt from paying tuition.

- Students whose income exceeds the set limit for the allocation of scholarships based on social criteria by a maximum amount of €3,300 benefit from a 50% exemption of tuition fees.

6 - Engineering program Major Networks

Students on the Engineering program with the “Networks” specialization under an apprenticeship contract are exempt from tuition and fees.

7 – Masters of Science

Tuition for Master’s of Science for the 2023-2024 academic year are as follows:

ProgramStudent / statusCost of feesComments
MScAll, except DANIFrench or foreign national from the EEA/UE*4000€4000€/year
MScAll, except DANIStudents from partner institutions other than those listed above4000€Excluding Dual Degree 4000€/year
MScAll, except DANIOther6000€6000€/year
MSc2MSc Data Science and Network Intelligence (DANI)All5000€

(*) See 1.1.

NB: for students studying for an MSc in a dual degree agreement, the fees/charges to be paid are set out in the agreement between the home institution and Telecom SudParis or the Institut Mines-Télécom or IP Paris.

8 - Advanced Master’s degrees

Tuition fees for the advanced master’s degrees “Networks and Services” and “System and Network Security” for the 2023-2024 academic year are as follows:

Student / statusCosts of tuitionCost of feesTotal amount dueComments
AMStudent or individual candidate85€8000€8085€Bi-partner agreement
AM Networks and ServicesEmployee sent by a company85€11500€11585€Tri-partner agreement
AM Networks and Services under apprenticeshipStudent under apprenticeship85€1291513000€Tri-partner agreement
AM System and Network SecurityEmployee sent by a company85€15000€15085€Tri-partner agreement
AM System and Network Security under apprenticechipStudent under apprenticeship85€15000€15085€Tri-partner agreement


9 - Auditing students

Auditing students enrolled in one of the school’s programs on a personal basis benefit from partial tuition exemption of 50%.


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