Amré Abu Ali

Amre Abu Ali

The school’s wealth of diverse teaching allowed me to quickly start a senior position. My training and experiences from the three years I spent at Telecom SudParis have enabled me to effectively respond to the challenges of technical, organizational and human issues while contributing to a strategy for the future.

Dora-Nicoleta Tilica

Dora-Nicoleta Tilica

Dual degree University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (Romania)
Software Developer at Bitdefender

Stefano Perna

Stefano Perna

Erasmus exchange (Italia)
Industrial PhD Student at Translated

Menuka Perera

Menuka Perara

Dual degree Asian Institute of Technology
Doctoral Researcher at IRT b-com

Nerisa Chitrakar

Dual degree Asian Institute of Technology
Fullstack developer at Doctolib

Ming-Chen Chung

Dual-Degree Nation Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)
Tech Lead at Google

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