NOVA co-working space

A space dedicated to conviviality, collaborative work and pedagogical innovation

Across an area of over 1300 m², the NOVA building offers spaces for meetings and collaborative work. Its facilities provide support for initiatives that focus on innovative teaching.

There you will find:

  • Ground floor: the campus cafeteria for conviviality, the theater of expression for collaborative work and an open workspace.
  • First floor: a coworking-lounge with a cozy atmosphere, the multimedia library, the pedagogical innovation room, a co-working space that encourages creativity in a calm and simple atmosphere, 3 mini-project rooms for group work and a self-service computer room.

Alexandre Capron, 2nd year student at Télécom SudParis: "NOVA is ideal for working in groups or alone, as well as for organizing project meetings. The 3 mini-project rooms on the first floor are ideal for interviews. The library is my favorite place to work, the tables are a good size for sitting with friends.

In general, the balance between the workspaces and the colors, combined with the ability to see other students working, gives NOVA a productive work atmosphere, different from classrooms, and very appealing.”

© Télécom SudParis – Siret : 180 092 025 00055 – APE : 8542Z