ETOILE, at the heart of technology and innovation

The ETOILE Center (Open Spaces and Technologies Supporting Innovation in Laboratories and Industry) is a new building entirely dedicated to Research and Innovation on Telecom SudParis campus.

  • 3000 square meters
  • 6 technology platforms
  • 1 Living Lab to evaluate the uses of technologies to assist dependent persons
  • 1 incubator able to host up to 25 business creation projects
  • 1 Fab Lab
  • 1 auditorium with 300 seats
  • 1 conviviality space

At the crossroads of research and innovation

The ETOILE Center (Open Spaces and Technologies Supporting Innovation of in Laboratories and Industry) is a unique place for research and innovation, focused on practices, dissemination and valorization.

It aims to create a place of exchange between economic players, researchers and students, serving the southern Paris region's archipelago of innovation and research (which includes Evry University and the Paris-Saclay cluster). It aims to:

  • Anticipate and implement the next scientific, technological and industrial transformations
  • Develop and transfer new technologies
  • Develop joint projects and collaborations.

A space for sharing

Located on the Telecom SudParis and Institut Mines-Télécom Business School shared the ETOILE Center federates:

• Higher education and research institutions of Greater Paris Southern Region: Telecom SudParis, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, National School of Computer Science for Industry and Enterprise (ENSIIE), Genopole, and University of Evry Val d’Essonne.

• the Paris-Saclay cluster and university,

• Companies (groups, ETI, SME, startups).

• Actors from the business world also sit on the ETOILE Center's steering committee.

In synergy with upstream technological platforms, the ETOILE Center has the means to deploy the complete process for innovation: training, creativity, entrepreneurship, research, technology transfer, creation of startups, exchanges and demonstrations.

Organization of Spaces

3,300 m2 of usable space is made available, including 1,350 m2 of platforms and experimentations spaces.

ETOILE Platforms

Six interdisciplinary research and innovation platforms dedicated to digital, biology and their applications to health:

  • 4 Telecom SudParis platforms (BioMICA, Hadaptic-Evident, THD, NCF)
  • 1 platform of Institut Mines-Télécom Business School: IS Lab,
  • 1 platform of the Genopole and the University of EVRY about microfluidics

Experimentation and prototyping area

A Living Lab to assess the uses of technologies dedicated to disabled and dependent people, a co-working space to imagine the organizations and economic models of tomorrow, a FabLab accessible to partners.

Startups incubation space

IMT Starter hosts 25 business creation projects with 18-month accommodation, advice, support and funding.


Olivier Martinot

Director of Innovation
and Corporate Relations

Telecom SudParis 

© Télécom SudParis – Siret : 180 092 025 00055 – APE : 8542Z