Telecom SudParis accelerates research and digital innovation

  • 105 full-time professors
  • 137 PhD students
  • SAMOVAR CNRS Research Laboratory
  • 200 articles published annually conferences proceedings (70% A ranked)
  • Over 100 peer reviewed published annually articles
  • 28 patents in portfolio
  • 40 PhD theses defended annually
  • € 5.6 million annual turnover in research contracts
  • € 1.2 million in annual thesis grants (internal, MESR, DGA, CIFRE)
Telecom SudParis accelerates research and digital innovation

Research at the service of innovation

Télécom SudParis

The professors at Telecom SudParis with expertise recognized by the quality and relevance of their work are the driving force behind our research strategy.

Our mission is to meet the challenges of the future by supporting the digital transformations of our society, the economy and business through ambitious scientific projects.

Professors at Telecom SudParis conduct high-level research activities that address today’s major societal issues within the framework of the SAMOVAR CNRS Research Laboratory, in close collaboration with industry.

At the forefront of research in the digital world

The disciplinary fields of scientific research grouped within the SAMOVAR laboratory:
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Data Processing
  • Networks
  • Physics and Communications Technologies
  • Signal and Image Processing
Research at Telecom SurParis spans research areas that are a source of digital transformation:
  • Digital Industry / Industry of the Future
  • Health and Personal Assistance
  • Energy / Energy Transition / Smart Grids
  • Digital City / Smart Mobility
Our researchers address multidisciplinary challenges through nationally and internationally funded projects in the following areas:
  • Cloud, Software Design Network (SDN) - Network Virtualization,
  • Big Data, AI,
  • Internet of Things,
  • Ubiquitous Computing,
  • Cyber-security, Security, Biometrics, Personal data,
  • Test and Monitoring,
  • Multi-modal and Multi-sensor Imaging,
  • Semantic Indexing,
  • Complex Networks,
  • Distributed Optimization,
  • Filtering, Smoothing, Classification,
  • Very High Speed Transmission,
  • Indoor Location.

© Télécom SudParis – Siret : 180 092 025 00055 – APE : 8542Z