Join the forces of excellence

Research platforms: uniting the strong forces of excellence

Research platforms, concentrating competitiveness:

  • Telecom SudParis brings together eight platforms, four of which are located in the ETOILE Center.
  • Grouping equipment and means, the platforms are used for research, teaching and service.
  • Their purpose is to provide an open community of users, including companies businesses, with the services or technological resources needed to carry out their R & D and innovation projects.

Telecom SudParis' innovation strategy is built around research and innovation platforms, which contribute to fostering industrial innovation. Through experimentations supported by the platforms, companies are able to test their ideas for innovation before rolling them out.

Telecom SudParis brings together eight platforms, four of which are hosted in the ETOILE Center:

  • BioMica, platform for medical imaging and bio imaging
  • Living-Lab Hadaptic-Evident, a test apartment to explore and evaluate use cases for innovative digital technologies, technologies to enhance health, and assist dependent persons.
  • THD, research platform on Very High Speed Networks
  • NCF, Network Cloud Federation, experimental cloud platform and networks

The ETOILE Center also hosts the Evry Val d’Essonne University MicroFlubs platform for synthetic biology and the Institut Mines Telecom Business School IS Lab, a space for studying relational practices in open innovation ecosystems.

The other four other Telecom SudParis technology platforms are located either elsewhere on the Evry campus or at Nano-INNOV in Palaiseau:

  • Cyber-security platform for the security of connected infrastructures
  • M4IoT, Software Components Platform for the Internet of Things
  • Plenimage, large field, high resolution microscopy platform
  • MyMultimediaWorld, cloud platform for multimedia processing

ETOILE FabLab, a prototyping space

At the heart of the ETOILE Center, dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship, the ETOILE FabLab provides machine users and connected tools to design and produce objects.

It is open to everyone on campus: students, researchers and incubated startups to facilitate rapid prototyping.

ETOILE FabLab, a prototyping space

An open place

Members of INTech, the student robotics club, animate the FabLab.  They offer workshops: creating objects with a 3D printer, programming objects with Arduino, etc.

"It's an open place, a place to be in terms of innovation, collaborative work and transmission, and open to collaborations with design schools, along with other FabLabs from the region or IMT. Olivier Martinot, Director of Innovation at Telecom SudParis.”

Available equipments:

  • 3D scanner
  • 3D Printers
  • Arduino Electronics - Raspberry PI
  • Laser Cutting Machine
  • Milling

Our Fablab on video

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