Our research laboratories

Telecom SudParis supports organizations in their digital transformation through high-level research that responds to the major challenges of contemporary society. Its research strategy is based on active partnerships on an international scale.

Telecom SudParis's teacher-researchers are involved in five laboratories:

  • Samovar, Telecom SudParis' own laboratory
  • IA TV, a joint Telecom SudParis / France Television laboratory
  • AIDY-F2N, joint Telecom SudParis / Davidson laboratory
  • Intelligence in Networks, joint Telecom SudParis / Airbus laboratory

Samovar, the Telecom SudParis laboratory


The SAMOVAR laboratory (Distributed Services, Architectures, Modeling, Validation, Administration of Networks) gathers several teams of researchers working in the field of services, networks and telecommunications.

SAMOVAR is one of the few laboratories to cover all communication systems themes. Led in relation with industrials, its activities combine scientific excellence and originality.

Joint laboratories

AI TV, artificial intelligence applied to television content

This laboratory's ambition is to deploy a generic deep learning platform for the optimal management of the creation, production and distribution processes of television content.

The laboratory draws on the business knowledge of France Télévisions' researchers and on Telecom SudParis' skills in artificial intelligence applied to audio-visual content.

Contact: Titus Zaharia


AIDY-F2N, joint laboratory with Davidson consulting on Artificial Intelligence and Dynamic Modeling

This LabCom, co-financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR), focuses on Artificial Intelligence and Dynamic Modeling for more Flexible Future Networks. Researchers at AIDY-F2N intend to combine classical mathematical tools with artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning.

Contact: Badii Jouaber

Intelligence in Networks, joint laboratory with Airbus

The "intelligence in networks" laboratory combines the mathematical skills of Telecom SudParis researchers with Airbus experts to take a step in this direction. Its aim is to develop an intelligent control plan for networks, to automate configuration, control of network services and routing of application flows. To this end, Airbus teams and Telecom SudParis researchers are using a combination of combinatorial optimization, machine learning and network modeling.

Contact: Djamal Zeghlache


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