A unique, tailored program for responsible engineering students

Teaching takes place over three years and opens up a multitude of possibilities:

Cycle 1: First year devoted to learning the fundamentals

  • Learn the scientific fundamentals with the possibility of choosing a thematic focus to enrich the program (environment, health, entrepreneurship, research).
  • Project-based learning: Students are introduced to project management through the GATE project (management and learning to work in teams) or the IT development project.
  • Professional experience: During the year, students do an internship at a company for a minimum of four weeks to discover the professional world and start thinking about the type of engineer they wish to become.

Cycle 2: Second and third years dedicated to in-depth study and building a tailored program

Second year. The general engineering program introduces students to fields of in-depth study.

In the second year students gradually narrow down their choice of teaching areas (three, then two, then one) from among the six available fields, to select the one in which they wish to specialize:

  • Mathematics
  • IT and Computer Systems
  • Network Services and Protocols
  • Image
  • Physics
  • Signals and Communication

Students also discover innovative fields of application by choosing four exploratory modules from a constantly updated range of offerings and take part in more general seminars and activities, designed to give them the opportunity to apply their interpersonal and leadership skills (industrial research or development project and other projects dedicated to entrepreneurship).

Third year. The final year offers an array of possibilities, allowing students to develop their expertise by choosing from the among the following:

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