A Global Network!

Our international partners are the core strength of our network. Thanks to them Telecom SudParis and its students are present on 6 continents. Our network boasts more than 100 universities and 300 companies. As early as their first year of studies, our students are made aware of all the academic stays, dual degrees and internships available to them.

Current Institutional Partnerships

Telecom SudParis has a long-standing commitment to the internationalization of our campus community and beyond. Telecom SudParis has international partnerships with many universities around the world.

Our collaborations with universities around the world enhance the opportunity for the exchange of students, and faculty members as well as the development of dual degree programs and joint research programs. We value each of our institutional partners.

Telecom SudParis Factsheet

⇒ Check the Telecom SudParis Factsheet AY 2024-25


Becoming a Telecom SudParis' partner


We always welcome the opportunity to explore possible partnerships with new international partners.

Interested in becoming a Telecom SudParis Partner?

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