Beyond traditional cooperation
Telecom SudParis' global network and internationalization strategy is also based on international programs and projects of excellence such as Erasmus+ and ARFITEC. These programs are key elements in strengthening cooperation with our partner institutions while representing a source of funding for international study and research mobilities for our students and researchers.
Erasmus +: the key to international mobility
By teaching 9 languages to its students and encouraging their experience abroad, Telecom SudParis encourages multilingualism, flexibility and open-mindedness. This enables its future graduates to plan a career in another country.
Following its declaration regarding the Erasmus+ strategy, Telecom SudParis has been certified by the 2021-2027 ERASMUS+ Charter.
- supports its students' European and international mobility actions,
- carries out all partnership actions through cooperation projects, knowledge alliances or capacity building projects, joint Masters.
Erasmus +: Higher Education Mobility Erasmus +
Telecom SudParis offers students Erasmus+ scholarships for study mobility for a period of 3 to 12 months and for internship mobility for a period of 2 to 12 months.
The amount of the grants varies according to the type of mobility and the host country. Only mobility in countries participating in the program are eligible. Telecom SudParis has international partnerships in many countries.
Erasmus+: Knowledge Alliance
Telecom SudParis is participating in the REWIRE project ("Cybersecurity Skills Alliance - A New Vision for Europe"), coordinated by MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS de Lithuanie. This project has 25 partners from 12 European countries. REWIRE aims to develop a blueprint for the cybersecurity industry and a concrete European cybersecurity skills strategy. Its work focuses on providing concrete recommendations and sustainable solutions that will help close the skills gaps between industry requirements and sectoral training provision and contribute to the growth, innovation and competitiveness of the cybersecurity sector.
More informations: https://rewireproject.eu/