Health: A multidisciplinary team at your disposal
A multidisciplinary team is at your disposal to provide advice or in case of health problems, and to help you complete your studies in the best physical, psychological and social conditions.
- Infirmary
- Physician
- Psychologist
- Social worker
- Disability assistant
- Sexual / gender-based violence support service
These practitioners have undertaken to respect the rules of ethics, neutrality and confidentiality concerning the information brought to their knowledge.
The service is open:
Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 1.30pm to 5.15pm
Head of the Health Service
Phone: +33 (0)1 60 76 43 73
Doctor Legoff is available two Mondays a month from 1pm to 2.30pm
→ Prevention consultations for new students
→ General consultation without issuing a prescription
→ Medical certificates for sport, work, international travel, internships, etc.
→ Vaccine coverage check-up
→ Medical certificates for special provisions for schooling (illness or disability - MDPH-accredited doctor).
Amélie Miret is available on campus each Tuesday afternoon by appointment with the Health and Social Services department.
The psychologist provides psychological support at the request of students experiencing any of the following:
∗ family problems
∗ doubts, anxiety, worries about their course.
∗ personal problems (anxiety, anorexia, depression, etc.)
∗ or who are going through a difficult time, etc.
Social worker
Juliana Didat, social worker, is available every Friday and two Mondays a month by appointment.
- Listening and advice,
- Referral to all specialized services,
- Information on formalities concerning student life: finances, scholarships, housing, social legislation, work, etc.
- Help with different administrative applications: social security, family allowance, grants; requests for one-off emergency aid
- Helping to find solutions for student difficulties
To contact the social worker, send a message to the following e-mail address: Email
Mrs Juliana Didat will contact you.
Disability Assistant
The disability assistant works closely with the Department for Academic Life
Personalized welcome, needs assessment, specific support and follow-up, human and technical assistance. The university physician issues a medical opinion in view of the student's disability.
This statement is used to draw up the individual inclusion and adaptation contract (CIIA) specifying the necessary arrangements and compensatory measures for the course of study and/or exams.
Make an appointment with your school's disability advisor:
Ms GALLINEAU Audrey, nurse and disability advisor for the 2 schools
Ms CHAPELET Sandrine, TSP disability advisor
Sexual / gender-based violence support service
→ Receives student victims or witnesses
→ Provides a listening ear to people who wish to talk about a situation of violence and/or harassment
→ Offers support through accompanying measures with the person's prior consent.
→ Participates in the mission to prevent sexual harassment and sexual and gender-based violence.
Contact: Support service
On simple request, you can be seen by Mr Alain Lagneau, addictologist. These consultations are free and anonymous. For example, they can be used to :
- an assessment of consumption
- access to treatment
- build up a reduction or abstinence plan
- maintain this approach over time.
To make an appointment:
Phone: 01 60 76 43 73
These facilities are FREE and INCLUDED in your tuition fees.