Support for start-up creation program

Successfully create an innovative company through a personalized 12-month program, including:
- 25 hours of individual coaching,
- 25 hours of collective workshops,
- 12 hours of support and networking
The IMT Starter company incubator supports you in the successful launch of your digital start-up with a program drawing on 20 years of coaching experience and the expertise of over 200 project leaders.
General presentation
The general objective of this program is to ensure the start-up’s success, which is judged on its survival, turnover, capital raised, etc.
The program’s strength lies in a support methodology specifically tailored to creating digital start-ups that can go the distance. It involves building a year-long, personalized program with coaching, that adapts to the project leader and his/her specific challenges.
Project leaders have access to the network of IMT Starter schools (20,000 graduates and 3,500 student managers and engineers) to help with intern recruitment, business connections, and potential scientific collaborations.
⇒ Discover the course brochure
⇒ Download the pre-enrollment form
Objectives and targeted skills
Train future entrepreneurs in methods and tools for launching a digital start-up and accompany them throughout each phase to set up their project sustainably.
During the 12-month course, participants will:
- Acquire the methodological and technical skills needed to launch their start-up project;
- Create and develop their network through the IMT Starter incubator ecosystem;
- Launch their start-up, with support from coaches at every stage.
Targeted participants and prerequisites
- Anyone with a project to create an innovative company in the area of digital technology, under condition of being selected to enter the program.
- Directors of young innovative digital companies in the launch phase.
Prerequisites: Good knowledge of digital technology and plenty of ambition for your project
Participation requirements
- Application file including a presentation of your digital start-up project (executive summary), accompanied by the pre-enrollment form (Joëlle Monange)
- Individual interview to approve the project with one or more incubator coordinators
- Once admitted, submit a request for your CPF credit on MonCompteFormation
Course program
The following aspects are covered and adapted to the start-up’s characteristics and needs:
- Understanding and mastering the digital technology innovation ecosystem
- Analysis of the project’s ecosystem:
- Business model
- Funding
- Executive team, HR
- Sales operations
Assessment and certification
Skills acquisition is evaluated by the IMT Starter team, when participants launch their innovative start-up in real conditions.
Telecom SudParis issues a certificate of achievement mentioning the objectives, nature and duration of the program, as well as results of skill assessments from the course in terms of:
- Skills needed to steer the development of their structure, or pivot their project;
- Skills related to funding a start-up, marketing and sales, structuring, and effective implementation methods for creating an innovative company.
Information and contacts
- Teaching methods: remotely and/or on the Évry, Essonne campus (optional)
- Fees (excl tax): €2,000 (certification fees included)
- Course code: FC9MG01E
- Training program provided to company creators and transferees. Eligible for funding with your CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation)
⇒ Discover the course brochure
⇒ Download the pre-enrollment form
Course coordinator
Sebastien CAUWET
Director of IMT Starter Incubator since 2006 and innovation and digital transformation specialist.
He is also the creator of the Institut Mines-Telecom Honor Loans Fund and the Telecom Booster seed investment program.
Course coordinator
Augustin RADU
Project Manager at IMT Starter since 2008. He has coached hundreds of start-ups. As an entrepreneur himself, he is a specialist in business development and international commerce. He has created Executive MBA programs for incubators in Silicon Valley and London.