Project-based training in entrepreneurship

Students become innovative and entrepreneurial engineers by undertaking projects that progressively build their skills over the three-year program.

  • Learning and managing teamwork (GATE®)
  • IT development
  • Cassiope project
  • Business Creation Challenge®
  • Entrepreneurial summer school (optional)
  • Advanced project

A single aim throughout the duration of training: to foster our student engineers’ ability to create, innovate and initiate change in the digital world. 



1st year: at the heart of a team

Logo-gateLearning and managing teamwork (GATE®)

Students participate in the development of an extended project and explore all its professional aspects. Students are free to choose their field, such as technical, scientific, humanitarian, social, artistic or event organization, etc. The project must meet the specific requirements of a customer with whom they are in constant contact.

Find out more (fr)



IT development

Students work in pairs on a project to develop an application.

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2nd year: enter into action

Cassiopée Project

Alone or as part of a group, students must produce a project based on either innovation, development or research. In the first two categories, students participate in the creation of real products in collaboration with consultants and field experts. For the research category, students contribute to studies led at Telecom SudParis’ SAMOVAR laboratory.

Find out more (fr)


Challenge projets d’entreprendre® (Business Creation Challenge)

Organized by the Incubator, the aim of the Challenge is for joint engineer-manager teams to create a start-up in the digital field, complete with a business plan. The projects must be innovative, structured and relevant, to ensure their economic viability. Some projects may be extended to our business incubator.

Find out more (fr)



3rd year: become a professional

Master of scienceAdvanced project

This project allows each student to take the concepts developed further. Projects may be carried out with the school’s laboratories or in partnership with a company.



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