Professional certification in “Information Systems and Network Security Governance”

Specialize in cybersecurity

  • A part-time course: a few days each month for six months
  • Professors from the Telecom SudParis cybersecurity excellence cluster
  • Certification labeled by ANSSI and registered with France Compétences

This course, which was updated in 2020, has already obtained two official labels:


logo france compétences label SecNumEdu



General presentation

Cybersecurity has become a key concern for all managers of IT systems, networks and web services, especially since they are often required to provide access to their information systems to clients, suppliers and partners.

Our course in information systems and network security governance offers a comprehensive approach that develops the skills needed to create and implement a security plan, so as to protect crucial resources against internal and external attacks.

It is taught part-time, a few days per month for six months, so that participants can continue to work while studying. It is offered in blended-learning format, combining remote sessions and in-person classes.

⇒ Download the information notice for the certification

Objectives and targeted skills

This course will develop your technical and organizational skills, and knowledge of regulations and methodologies, to create, deploy and manage a security architecture that is responsive to in-company challenges and activities.

After completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define a company’s information systems security governance;
  • Implement security mechanisms;
  • Create and implement a security plan to protect a company’s essential resources;
  • Design a security architecture.

Targeted participants and prerequisites

This course is aimed at all professionals concerned with cybersecurity:

  • network technicians or engineers wishing to learn the foundations of cybersecurity
  • project managers or solutions managers confronted with security constraints
  • systems consultants and architects
  • IT managers, IS managers, systems and network administrators, integrators, their teams
  • managers involved in providing secure company logins

Basic knowledge of networks (TCP/IP) and IT systems is recommended for this course.

Participation requirements

  • Application file
  • Technical test to demonstrate prerequisites
  • Individual interview to confirm professional objectives

Pedagogical structure

The program includes six months of study, followed by a period of two months during which participants draft a response to a call for tender.

  • There is a total of 19 days of study, with a schedule of three days per month on average. This includes classes, case studies, practical work and professional role-play workshops.
  • During the 2 months following the study period, participants will work in teams to propose a response to a customer need, in the form of a call for tender. This will include a written document that presents the proposed solution and an oral presentation to a jury panel.

Assessment and certification

Participants who pass all assessments will be awarded the “Information Systems and Network Security Governance” professional certification, listed on the France Compétence Specific Register under number RS5053.

Modes of assessment:

  • Tests to assess knowledge and technical skills acquired
  • Workshops to implement and simulate practical cases
  • Case studies involving security issues
  • Drafting of a response to a call for tender and oral presentation in front of a jury panel

More information about assessments and evaluation criteria is provided in the Reference Document of Activity, Skills and Assessment for Professional Certification no. RS5053 and provided to participants.

Next session

The 2023 session has just finished, with 20 participants receiving their certification.

The next session is planned to begin in autumn 2024.

  • Fees: €8,900 (excl. tax)
  • Duration: 19 days of study (133 hours)


Course administrator


Badis Hammi
Teacher-researcher at Telecom SudParis cybersecurity center
Member of Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Institut Mines-Télécom.

He holds a PhD in computer networks from Troyes University of Technology.

Following his thesis "Towards source detection of malicious activities in public clouds: application to denial-of-service attacks", he completed a post-doctorate on the security of connected vehicles at Télécom ParisTech.

He then held a teaching-research position in cybersecurity at EFREI, then at ÉPITA, where he was also responsible for the Bachelor in Cybersecurity at Campus Cyber at La Défense.

How to join





  • Review of application
  • Technical test
  • Interview



  • Bac+2 or higher diploma
  • Experience in IT
  • Basic technical knowledge of networks (TCP/IP) and information systems
  • Fluent in French (level C1) and technical English (level B2)

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