Master of Science Electrical and Optical Engineering (EOE)

Télécom SudParis

Engineering degree - Master’s level

Offered exclusively in English


The recent upheavals linked to the international context and environmental issues have accelerated the need for systems engineers in the physical fields related to telecommunications. For companies and society in general, this need is now organic.

This program wants to respond to this need and proposes graduate students to be initiated to research and to acquire strong practical and theoretical knowledge in the Electrical and Optical Engineering fields. The program is based on multidisciplinary application fields in both electronics and optics. It encompasses core training addressing fundamental aspects, as well as focusing on specific technical skills in different application such as communications, sensors, defence and space, automotive and information technology. The program covers new technological possibilities including the implementation of high-performance, high-value, multi-domain integrated systems.


Electrical engineering


Level: Master 1
Language of instruction: English
Location: Telecom SudParis, Evry
Cost: 4000 or 6000 euros (see more on Tuition Fees)
Coordinator: Dr Alexandre Vervisch-Picois, Telecom SudParis

The program enables students to acquire the necessary background in electrical and optical engineering to pursue a second year of specialization. Laboratory time and projects offer students the opportunity to practice and understand concepts more easily.

This first-year program enables students to:

  • Acquire the necessary background (algorithmic, probability, information theory and signal processing) for second year.
  • Acquire the basic knowledge in microwave radio and optical systems.
  • Initiate to sensor-related data sciences.

The first years also provides French language courses and methodological skills for sciences communication.


First year program

CSC 7001Computer Science ( gpe E3A)6
HUM 7001Effective Communication3
MAT 7001Fundamentals of Probability and statistics3
FRE 7001French3
NET 7007Computing Network5
PHY 7001Microwaves and Antennas4
PHY 7002Fundamental of Fiber-Optic Communication4
IMA 7221Statistical Data Analysis2
Second year

Level: Master 2
Language of instruction: English
Location: Telecom SudParis, Palaiseau
Cost: 4000 or 6000 euros (see more on Tuition Fees)
Coordinator: Dr Alexandre Vervisch-Picois, Telecom SudParis

The second-year Electrical and Optical Engineering (EOE) Master’s program enables students to choose between Optical or Radio microwave specialization.

Optical track offers students the opportunity to design optical communication systems suited to given constraints and required applications. It also covers design cross-layer optical network architectures from physical to higher network layers.

Radio System track addresses communication system design techniques at different levels: radio frequency (RF) systems, architectures, functions and components.

These courses are taught from September to mid-February. Lab hours and projects are scheduled for students to practice and assimilate concepts more easily. High-quality lectures and project supervision are provided by professors from renowned research labs and industry experts. The program has strong ties with industry, and many courses and lab sessions are run by our industry partners. The program also provides a first research experience to prepare students for a PhD or career as a research engineer in academic or industrial organizations.


First Semester Optical track

Code TitleCredits
PHY 7423 Advanced and Next-Generation Optical Transmission Systems2
CSC 7413 Error-Correcting Codes and Coded Modulations Applied to Optical Communications2
CSC 7412 Digital Information Processing3
NET 7337 Future Trends in Optical Networks2
PHY 7422 Optical Information Propagation and Point-to-Point Transmission Systems3
NET 7336 Optical Networks4
PHY 7421 Optoelectronic Devices4
PHY 7424 Photonic Systems Towards Other Applications3

Radio Systems track

PHY 7212Radio Microwave functions4
PHY 7213Radio architecture and Physical layer and network interface4
PHY 7214Antennas and propagation channel3
PHY 7216Emerging radio technologies, Dosimetry and interaction of radio waves with living organism3
PHY 7217Satellite communications systems3
PHY 7218Positioning / goniometry / radio loc & RADAR4
PHY 7219RF Instrumentation, measurement & EMC3
PHY7221GNSS Real Time Kinematic precise positioning for drones and others applications3
PRO 7225Research initiation project3


For any question related to admissions:

E-mail: @admissions-msc

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