Masters and PhD Tracks

Along with École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris and Télécom Paris, Telecom SudParis founded l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris with the ambition of making it a world-class science and technology institution. As such, the Telecom SudParis Masters are shared with IP Paris.
The Telecom SudParis National Master's Degrees allow high-level professional integration, with a baccalaureate + 5.
Highly sought after and appreciated on job market, they are easily identifiable internationally. They can also lead to further doctoral studies.
These courses are open to French, European or international students holding at least a license (issued by a French institution), a bachelor in 4 years (issued by a foreign institution), or to engineering students at the end of their training.
Engineering students from Telecom SudParis can integrate, in their third year in engineering curriculum, an M2 from one of the IP Paris Masters, listed below. The M2 program then replaces the 3rd year.
At the end of the third year / M2, engineering students have the diploma of Telecom SudParis and a Master from l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Computer Science
- Computer Science for Networks (CSN)
- Cyber-Physical Systems (Cyber)
- Cybersecurity
- Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (Data IA)
- Foundations of Computer Science
- High Performance Data Analytics (HDPA)
- Interaction, Graphics & Design (IGD)
- Operations Research (MPRO)
- Parallel and Distributed Systems (PDS)
Electrical Engineering for Communications & Information Processing
- Radio Systems (SyR)
- Optical Network & Photonic Systems (ROSP)
- Multimedia Networking (MN)
- Machine learnIng, CommunicAtion & Security (MICAS)
- Virtual & Augmented Reality (VAR)
- TRaitement de l'Information et Exploitation des Données (TRIED)