Lifelong learning

Higher education is often considered a rite of passage when we are young. And once finished, our career takes center stage, leaving no time for classes. However, it’s never too late to learn. Everyone can acquire new skills and knowledge, to continue improving their own education. Lifelong learning can be an effective way to keep your mind sharp and improve your career prospects.
Would you like to:
- Acquire new skills to develop your career?
- Change jobs? Improve your employability?
- Professionalize your skills?
- Obtain a diploma and have your experience recognized through Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE)?
- Update your employees’ skills?
→ Discover the lifelong learning courses from Telecom SudParis in the flourishing field of digital technology.
Who is Telecom SudParis lifelong learning aimed at?
Lifelong learning is aimed at adults and young people who have already started their career or are in the process of doing so.
- Working professionals: executives, company employees or freelancers who wish to expand their services
- Job-seekers or employees changing careers, on professional mobility leave
- Young employees in work-study programs wishing to extend their apprenticeship
- Young graduates wishing to continue their studies with vocational training
- Future company directors wanting to create their own start-up and be supported throughout
- Employers (private or public) wishing to develop their employees’ skills
NB: our courses are accessible to people with disabilities.
a variety of courses and services offered by Telecom SudParis
- Courses leading to a degree
- Courses leading to a certification
- Validation of Acquired Experience
- Return to studies
- Remote learning
- Customized training
- Support for start-up creation and innovative projects
Lifelong learning: a national obligation
“It aims to allow each person, regardless of their status, to acquire and update knowledge and skills to support their career development, as well as to move up at least one qualification level during their career.” (extract from Article L6111-1 of the French Labor Code).
Professional certifications
Courses to become specialized through a part-time curriculum that can be studied while working.
Our professional certifications
Advanced Masters degree courses
Master’s courses to train future digital technology experts, available part-time or for candidates returning to studies, with a 6 to 9-month course followed by a placement in a company.
Customized training
Customized solutions in the form of in-company courses in our areas of excellence to create a skills-focused professional project.
Accreditation of Prior Learning
Do you have experience in a certain area? Obtain a degree or professional certification from Telecom SudParis by studying for a Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).
Study for an Accreditation of Prior Learning
Remote courses
With 100% remote courses, MOOCs, and online classes available to all, you can discover, learn, progress and succeed in digital technologies.
Engineer program
Major Networks
Network Engineering degrees are offered in work/study format.
Program of Engineer program Major Networks
“REBOOT” Disrupt’ Campus
Collaborative “Intrapreneurship & Digitization” courses to accompany innovation management and digital transformation projects for companies and entrepreneurs.
Support for start-up creation
A 12-month support program to help create a digital start-up with classes, coaching and funding.
Alongside our courses
Alongside our courses, the school offers companies flexible partnership options that adapt to their needs and constraints: access to research platforms and laboratories, R&D projects, teaching and/or research chairs, technology transfer, PoC, and more.
- Technology platforms: combining dynamic forces of excellence to support industrial innovation through project experimentation.
- The Samovar laboratory: accompanying companies in digital transformation though high-level research in response to the major challenges of modern society.
- Teaching-research chairs: cross-reflection between industrial bodies and academics around future issues for society and digital technology.
- Fab Lab Etoile: a space for fast prototyping, offering electronic and technology tools to students, researchers and start-ups.