Artificial Intelligence

AI advanced course Engineering degree - Master’s level

with Telecom Paris and ENSTA Paris on the Palaiseau campus

This specialization track is offered in French or English


Foundations in Artificial Intelligence

  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: Ethical and Social Issues
  • Logics and Symbolic AI
  • Probabilistic Models and Machine Learning

Optimization and Learning for AI

  • Large Scale machine learning and Deep Learning
  • Learning for Robotics
  • Advanced Machine Learning and reinforcement learning
  • Programming with GPU for Deep Learning
  • Metaheuristics

Artificial intelligence in action

  • Perception in autonomous systems
  • Navigation in autonomous systems
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Multimodal Dialogue
  • AI and E-Commerce


  • Offer our engineering students the main concepts as well as an advanced specialization in Artificial Intelligence, based on the teams' research and connections with industry, enabling them to make a significant contribution to the development of Artificial Intelligence in companies.
  • Encourage our students to reflect on the future impact of Artificial Intelligence in our society by looking at historical, philosophical, sociological and legal factors.
  • Consolidate our students' abilities to see a practical project through from start to finish in relation to the major current issues in Artificial Intelligence.


  • Fraud detection by semi-supervised learning
  • Improvement of predictive models on stock and futures markets
  • Re-identification of individuals by generative models
  • Extraction of information from social networks


  • Analysis and generation of classical French alexandrines
  • Implementation of a deep learning method for evaluating image aesthetics
  • Automatic classification of brain images by deep learning methods
  • Automatic analysis of commercial contract text by deep learning methods
  • Explicability of recommendation systems


  • AI project manager
  • Data scientist
  • AI expert engineer (text, images, video, robotics, etc.)
  • Big data engineer


  • Large groups: Total, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Renault, EDF, Nokia, Airbus, Safran, Thalès, etc.
  • SMEs: Della AI, Cleed, Keeneye, Meero, etc.


Elisabeth Brunet
Coordinator of the Advanced Course
Email : @elisabeth.brunet

© Télécom SudParis – Siret : 180 092 025 00055 – APE : 8542Z