Accreditation of Prior Learning

Obtain a diploma that recognizes your skills
Do you work in an area where you do not have a degree, but consider that your professional experience, acquired skills and level of responsibility are comparable to that of a degree-holder?
An Accreditation of Prior Learning can enable you to obtain the diploma (or degree) corresponding to your skills.
Your Accreditation of Prior Learning rights
“Any person, regardless of their age, nationality, status or education level, who can justify at least one year of experience in direct relation with the targeted qualification, can apply for a Accreditation of Prior Learning. This qualification, which may be a diploma, degree or vocational certificate, must be listed on the National Professional Qualification Register (RNCP).”
“Qualifications obtained through Accreditation of Prior Learning have the same value as those obtained through study.”
Official Accreditation of Prior Learning portal:
Telecom SudParis diplomas and degrees accessible through Accreditation of Prior Learning
Telecom SudParis general engineering degree
- See the course presentation
- Download the RNCP page for the general engineering degree.
Telecom SudParis Network Engineering degree
- See the course presentation (brochure and program)
- Download the RNCP page for the network engineering degree.
“Expert in Networks and Systems Security Governance” Master’s (MS)
- See the course presentation for the “Essential Service Operators Cybersecurity” Specialized Master’s®.
- See the RNCP page (currently being updated).
“Expert in Network Infrastructure and Related Services” Master’s (MS)
- See the course presentation for the Telecom SudParis “Networks and Services” Advanced Master’s®.
- See the RNCP page (currently being updated)
“Expert in Information Systems Security (ESSI)” Master’s from ANSSI
- See the RNCP page for the ESSI Master’s
Note: as an exception, ANSSI will directly process (see the ANSSI website) VAE applications that conform to the following two conditions:
→ The candidate’s professional experience contains sensitive information (classified or confidential for national security reasons) justifying that the application be processed by the administration
→ The VAE candidate is an agent of a French administration, operator of vital importance (OIV) or operator of essential services (OSE), of French nationality.
The process
Accreditation of Prior Learning is above all a process of verification, evaluation and confirmation of a candidate’s skills, by a jury panel. The panel verifies that your acquired experience corresponds to the skills, knowledge and aptitudes of the diploma / degree that you wish to obtain.
Accreditation of Prior Learning therefore involves a significant amount of work to describe the skills acquired in relation with the degree or diploma in question.
The Telecom SudParis Accreditation of Prior Learning panel will base their decision on a detailed dossier that you must create.
Download the Telecom SudParis Accreditation of Prior Learning procedure diagram
Our advice
The Accreditation of Prior Learning process requires a high level of personal investment. Before beginning, we advise you to:
1/ Clarify your motivations and your personal and career goals
2/ Create a detailed CV describing the skills acquired and employed in each of your roles
3/ Check the course program and reference document for the qualification in question, to understand the activities involved and skills, aptitudes and knowledge required to exercise these activities.
4/ Then, check if your experience corresponds to the qualification’s requirements.
Telecom SudParis offers a service to support you in creating your dossier.
There are multiple possibilities to fund an Accreditation of Prior Learningfor private citizens, depending on your situation.
Useful links
- The Accreditation of Prior Learning portal
- The principle of Accreditation of Prior Learning on the French government website
- Accreditation of Prior Learning in higher education on the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation website
- The France Competences website, the national authority for funding and regulation of vocational training and apprenticeships
Your contact for your Accreditation of Prior Learning project
Dr Ing Josephine Kohlenberg
Director of Studies – Professional Training Coordinator
Email : @josephine.kohlenberg
Phone : +33 (1) 60 76 42 77