Welcome day masters and PhD track IP Paris

Every year, the Palaiseau campus organizes a special day for newly-arrived Masters and PhD students.

This day, included in the diaries of each department, is based around a number of key events: a welcome amphitheatre featuring the main speakers for your academic year, and a conference for international students on how to deal with the administrative formalities involved in studying in France.

You will also learn about the French healthcare system. Registered students are offered a meal. All you have to do is find your lunch spot: by the lake, in the center of campus near the Bôbar or on the sports fields.

Student associations offer a range of activities, and there's also a challenge to discover our Palaiseau campus as a group.

The IP Paris team has a few surprises in store for you during the day, so book your Tuesday, September 24, 2024 now!


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