Telecom SudParis attends Privacy Research Day

Télécom SudParis

Telecom SudParis and its teacher-researcher Maryline Laurent are taking part in Privacy Research Day, an academic conference on data protection organized by the CNIL on June 14, 2023. This multidisciplinary event will see international researchers present their work.

This conference will offer the opportunity to create bridges between researchers and regulators. During the day, expert in different fields will present their works and discuss their impact on regulation and vice-versa.

This interdisciplinary day is aimed at a broad audience who is familiar with privacy, data protection and regulation. The objective is to start a discussion between, legal experts, computer scientists, designers, researchers in social science. Researchers and experts from any field related to data protection are invited to attend and be part of the conversation.

For attendants, this is also the chance to discover innovative research: studies, tools and solutions will be presented to them which might inspire new ways of perceiving and fulfilling their missions and draw the contours of the tomorrow’s privacy.

Learn more about data protection research at Telecom SudParis


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