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- Arie Haenel is defending his thesis in computer science
Arie Haenel is defending his thesis in computer science

Mr. Arie Haenel presents his work for a PhD from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, prepared at Telecom SudParis in : Computer Science.
“Hybrid security solutions for IoT devices”
Wednesday, November 06, 2024 at 1:30 PM
19 Place Marguerite Perey, 91120 Palaiseau
Jury members:
- Mme Maryline LAURENT, Professor, Telecom SudParis, FRANCE - Supervisor
- M. David STAROBINSKI, Professor, Boston University, ETATS-UNIS - Reviewer
- Mme VALERIE VIET TRIEM TONG, Professor, CentraleSupélec - Rennes Campus, FRANCE - Reviewer
- M. Yoram HADDAD, Associate Professor, Jerusalem College of Technology, ISRAËL - Co-Supervisor
- M. Vincent NICOMETTE, Associate Professor, LAAS Toulouse, FRANCE - Examiner
- Mme Bracha SHAPIRA, Professor, Ben Gurion University, ISRAËL - Examinatrice
- M. Amit DVIR, Associate Professor, Ariel University, ISRAËL - Examiner
- Mme SOPHIE CHABRIDON, Director of studies, Telecom SudParis, FRANCE - Examiner