APAIE 2023: meeting international partners

Télécom SudParis

Telecom SudParis is attending the APAIE 2023. It is an opportunity for our school to present its training and research offer to major international academic institutions, to obtain advantages for its students and staff who volunteer for stays abroad. It is also a chance to welcome students from all over the world on our campus.

To develop these new international collaborations, Telecom SudParis will be attending the APAIE in Bangkok, Thailand, from March 13 to 17, 2023. The Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) brings together delegates and service providers from all over the world to share best practices and make themselves known to Asia-Pacific universities.

This is therefore an opportunity for Telecom SudParis to highlight its fields of expertise such as networks, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and cloud. The aim is to provide our students and teacher-researchers with a quality offer that meets their needs: in particular, end-of-study exchanges, specific research programs, and the possibility of working in a laboratory.

These international exchanges allow students to immerse themselves in new cultures while building their professional networks abroad. Katherine Maillet, Director of International Relations, will represent Telecom SudParis on this occasion.

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