Paving the way to an inclusive and sustainable 6G

25th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN)
March 07-10, 2022, Paris, France

The theme for ICIN 2022 is: “Paving the way to an inclusive and sustainable 6G”. The conference will foster discussion about new ideas and novel approaches for future 6G networks and services and their enabling technologies and mechanisms in the emerging scenario of immersive connectivity, security and intelligence. With this vision, the conference will look beyond the current state of the art and promote the advances of network of networks with control and management approaches that foster reliability and optimality for applications and services that leverage societies and business.

International Advisory Board

  • Noël Crespi (Télécom SudParis, Institut Mines-Telecom, France)
  • Merouane Debbah (Huawei, France)
  • Marko Jagodic (Iskratel, Slovenia)
  • Philip Kelley (Nokia, France)
  • Heinrich Arnold (Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Germany)
  • NK Goyal (CMAI, India)
  • Marcus Weldon (Nokia Bell Labs, USA)
  • Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia Univ., USA)
  • Seung Ku Hwang (ETRI, Korea)
  • Bruce Maggs (Duke Univ. / Akamai Technologies, USA)
  • Brigitte Cardinaël (Orange, France)
  • Roberto Minerva (Télécom SudParis, Institut Mines Telecom, Italy)
  • Diego Lopez (Telefonica, Spain)
  • Aki Nakao (Tokyo Univ., Japan)
  • Chih-Lin I (China Mobile, Chine)


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