An incubator within our campus

  • 15 start-up incubated on average per year
  • 260 companies created for more than 4000 jobs
  • Dedicated seed fund
  • 12 months of support by entrepreneurs and business angels
  • 500 m2 of incubation space


IMT Starter incubator is a support structure for the emergence of young digital companies with strong potential for innovation, development and job creation.

Through this support structure for start-up projects (in terms of hosting, consulting and technical support), Telecom SudParis aims to support the entrepreneurship of tomorrow.

IMT Starter draws on a wide range of skills to carry out its activities and establish lasting relationships with value-creating start-up. These include those of its founding schools, Telecom SudParis, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and ENSIIE, and their teacher-researchers, as well as their sponsors, coaches and partners.

How does it work ?

After the selection of your project, your startup will be accompanied for 12 months in the spaces of Télécom SudParis (1000 m²) in Evry (91) and Arcueil (94).

Our method: mobilize around each incubated or entrepreneur a dedicated comBmittee of experts, which helps you define your strategy and guide you in its execution. We offer you 5 strong pillars to build with you the bridge leading to the success of your project:

  • Business support
  • Funding
  • International Development
  • Accommodation
  • Animations

IMT Starter is also ar the origin of the creation of the Digital Start-up Trophy, the second largest startup contest in France. We invite you to consult the IMT Starter website for further information and for applying.

What about Student Entrepreneurship?

IMT Starter also supports student startups identified during the Challenge projets d'Entreprendre®, France's largest competition for entrepreneurial projects in higher education, or during our Summer School Entrepreneurship program.

The largest entrepreneurial project competition in higher education in France, or our Summer School Entrepreneurship program.

These events are part of the entrepreneurial pathway designed to guide students wishing to launch a start-up during their studies at Telecom SudParis.


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