Energy research at Telecom SudParis
The energy transition imposes, among other things, a minimization of the impact of energy production on the environment and a better management of the ratio production vs consumption. The teachers-researchers of the SAMOVAR laboratory of Telecom SudParis deal with the theme of energy through two themes.
On the one hand, they are working on the energy optimization of telecommunications networks - so-called green telecoms, or Green IT - and, more broadly, the eco-design of new technologies.
On the other hand, the study of energy networks of the future (more precisely the REI, Smart Grids, or smart grids), more concerned with sustainable development in the digital age.

Green Telecom Eco-design
Professor in the Electronics and Physics department and member in the SAMOVAR TIPIC (Information Processing for Images and Communications) research group.
Research interests: Optics, Photonics and eco-design of digital products.
Professor in the Telecommunications, Networks and Services Department and member of the SAMOVAR METHODES (Methods and Models for Networks) research group.
Research interests: Network Performance Analysis, computer system reliability and energy saving methods.
Professor in the Wireless Networks and Multimedia Department, member of the SAMOVAR R3S (Networks, Systems, Services, Security) research group and co-director of the French-Korean ILLUMINE (International Laboratory on Future Media & Services) Institute.
Research interests: Data analysis using advanced AI techniques for data from the Internet of Things (smart city), media sources and social networks.
Smart electricity networks
Associate Professor in Networks and Services Department (RS2M) and member of the SAMOVAR R3S (Networks, Systems, Services and Security) group.
Research interests: IoT architectures, Smart and Connected Objects related to health and well-being.
Professor in the Telecommunications, Networks and Services Department and member of the R3S (Networks, Systems, Services and Security) research group.
Research interests: Smart Grids.
Professor in the Telecommunications, Networks and services Department and member of the R3S (Networks, Systems, Services and Security) research group.
Research interests: Network Performance Methods, User Behavior Modeling and optimization.
Bernadette DORIZZI – Director of Research and Doctoral Training:
- SEAS - Smart Energy Systems Aware (project ITEA3, 2017)
- N-GREEN (ANR project, 2018)
- CONVINcE (ITEA3 project, 2017 - Celtic-Plus Excellence Award 2018)
- SooGreen (Celtic-Plus project, 2018)
- PEPER (DATAIA project - with École Polytechnique and CentraleSupélec, 2018)
- Cybersecurity of smart grids (CIFRE thesis, 2018)
- Spark Horizon (start-up winner of the Digital Start-Up Trophy 2017)
- CNI Cyber (IMT Chair)
- RSE (Réseaux & Services Emergents)
- SSR (Sécurité des Systèmes et des Réseaux)
- Semaine SENSE de l’éco-conception et de la responsabilité sociétale d’entreprise (3e année)
Masters of Science :
- COMNETS (Communication Networks & Services)
- École Polytechnique
- Engie
- ETSI (contribution in standardization)
- Nokia
- Orange
- SEIDO (EDF joint laboratory, Télécom ParisTech & Télécom SudParis)