Security Research at Telecom SudParis

If simulating realistic situations is one of the main strengths of Telecom SudParis's cyber security platform, the expertise of its researchers and engineers goes far beyond that.

Whether it is to counter cyberattacks or innovate in data preservation and privacy, their work allows us to question our future society and to develop new technologies in complete safety.

Telecom SudParis has been labeled Carnot within the "Carnot Télécom et Société Numérique".


Security Research at Telecom SudParis


Hervé is Director of Research and Doctoral training at Telecom SudParis, member of SAMOVAR R3S (Networks, Systems, Services and Security) group, head of the cybersecurity research platform and member of the IMT Cyber Chair CNI (Critical National infrastructures).

Research interests: Cyber Security and Cyber Attacks.



Professor in the Telecommunications, Networks and Services Department, member of SAMOVAR R3S (Networks, Systems, Services and Security) group and a member of IMT Cyber Chair ​​CNI.

Research interests: Cyber Attacks and Security Systems.



Associate Professor in the Telecommunications, Networks and Services Department and member of SAMOVAR R3S (Networks, Systems, Services and Security) group.

Research interests: SDN, Cyber Attacks and Security Systems.


Protection of personal data

Associate Professor in the Telecommunications, Networks and Services Department, Leader  of the SAMOVAR R3S (Networks, Systems, Services and Security) group and co-founder of the IMT Values ​​& Policies Chair in Personal Information.

Research interests: Blockchain, Computer Confidence and Privacy



Associate Professor in the ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and Techniques for Multidimensional Imaging System) Department and member of the SAMOVAR ARMEDIA (Advanced Research and Techniques for Multidimensional Imaging System) group.

Research interests: Data Protection, Multimedia Contents and Health Care.



Associate Professor in the Electronics and Physics Department, member of the SAMOVAR TIPIC (Information Processing for Images and Communications) group and works at the Nano INNOV center in Paris-Saclay.

Research interests: Biometrics and Optics.



Professor in the Electronics and Physics Department and member of SAMOVAR ARMEDIA (Applied Research for Multi Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis) group.

Research interests: Biometrics, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processsing, Optimization, Voice Recognition and Parkinson Disease Detection.



Hervé DEBAR, Director of Research and Doctoral training
Email : @herve.debar
Contact research responsibles

  • BioDigital (patent with IDEMIA, 2017)

Biometric fingerprint identification reader without contact.

  • PRIMaTE (Franco-German ANR project, 2018)

PRIMaTE (for PRIvacy preserving Multi-compartment Trusted Execution) aims to ensure privacy in multi-enclave Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) environments.

  • Medical Care Evolution (ITEA project, 2018)

Intelligent virtual environment for physicians, facilitating the remote diagnostic process and relationships with connected objects.

  • EUNITY (H2020 project, Europe-Japan)

Following the NECOMA project, EUNITY wants to promote cybersecurity research in critical infrastructures in Europe and Japan.

  • IDEA4SWIFT (ITEA3 project, 2017 - Business Impact and Innovation Award 2018)

Standardization of border access systems for frequent travelers, using biometric passport standards.

  • Cybersecurity platform

Simulation of cyber attacks by Lego Mindstorms ® for the development of critical infrastructure protection systems.

  • CNI Cyber (IMT Chair)

Chair of Telecom SudParis, Telecom ParisTech and IMT Atlantique, funding research on the security of digital systems and services for the critical infrastructures of vital operators.

  • Values and Policies of Personal Information (IMT Chair)

Chair of Telecom SudParis, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School and Telecom ParisTech, financing research on the collection, use and sharing of personal information from the legal, economic, philosophical and technological perspectives.

Engineer's degree - Thoroughfare (3rd year):
  • SSR - Security of Systems and Networks (labeled SecNumEdu, in partnership with ANSSI)
  • CSR - Emerging Networks and Services
Specialized Masters:
  • Security of Systems and Networks - Expert in systems and network security.
  • Accenture
  • Airbus
  • BNP Paribas
  • CNIL
  • Dassault Systèmes
  • EDF
  • Groupe Imprimerie Nationale
  • Internet Initiative Japan
  • Keio University
  • La Poste
  • LVMH
  • NICT
  • NII
  • Nokia
  • Orange
  • Société Générale
  • Sopra Steria
  • Thalès
  • Université de Tokyo

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