Data scientist dual degree
This double degree from Telecom SudParis – ENSAE ParisTech affords graduates a highly-qualified profile in statistics and applied econometrics. It is aimed at students interested in mathematics, statistics and IT.
This double degree from Telecom SudParis – ENSAE ParisTech affords graduates a highly-qualified profile in statistics and applied econometrics. It is aimed at students interested in mathematics, statistics and IT.
This double degree from Telecom SudParis – ISUP responds to demand from companies for engineers with high-level skills, capable of analyzing and managing complex risks in line with actuarial standards.
The only program in France where students graduate with an Engineering degree and a Management degree from two schools on the same campus.
Starting this September, Telecom SudParis will be enhancing its engineering training to fully incorporate ecological transition issues.
This Master of Science wants to respond to this need and proposes graduate students to be initiated to research and to acquire strong practical and theoretical knowledge in the Electrical and Optical Engineering fields.
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During semester 1 of 3rd year, each student can specialize in an area of interest by choosing one of the following specialization tracks (VAP).
The program Data Science and Network Intelligence (DANI) covers areas such as network intelligence, automation, communication services…
U-Multirank listed Telecom SudParis among the top 3 institutions with the highest number of “A” ratings in France.
Once your career path has been assessed by a jury, you can be awarded one of the two diplomas or two degrees that Telecom SudParis offers through APL (Accreditation of Prior Leaning)