Artificial Intelligence

The specialization track Artificial Intelligence is an advanced course Engineering degree – Master’s level with Telecom Paris and ENSTA Paris

Digital & Media Project Management

Accreditation Telecom SudParis

With the Digital & Media Project Management specialization track of Telecom SudParis, become an expert in managing web, audiovisual and multimedia projects.

High-tech Imaging

Specialization track of Telecom SudParis: High-tech Imaging

High-tech Imaging (HTI) is an advanced course Engineering degree – Master’s level of Telecom SudParis

Distributed Computing Services

Specialization track of Telecom SudParis: Distributed Computing Services

Distributed Computing Services (“ASR”) is an advanced course Engineering degree – Master’s level of Telecom SudParis

Architecture and Intelligence for Networks

Architecture and Intelligence for Networks advanced course is business-oriented, based on innovative teaching methods and a multi-profile teaching team: engineers, industrialists and researchers.

Architecture and Intelligence for Networks. The training is business-oriented, based on innovative teaching methods and a multi-profile teaching team: engineers, industrialists and researchers.

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