Research in AI and Data-Analytics at Telecom SudParis
The rapid development of masses of accessible data is generating significant IT needs ranging from collection to decision-making, storage, processing, analysis and modeling.
The research topics addressed by the SAMOVAR laboratory at Telecom SudParis address all these questions, bringing together expertise from a broad spectrum of disciplines.
The CBORBIG project is an example, demonstrating real-time object recognition in videos by deploying machine learning and data volume processing technologies:
Symbolic & contextual AI

Professor in the Computer Science Department and team leader for the Samovar ACMES (Algorithms, Components, Models and Services for Distributed Computing) group, which defines models, algorithms and application tools for pervasive computing.
Research interests: Symbolic and contextual artificial intelligence.
Machine Learning

Professor in the Wireless Networks and Multimedia Department leader of the Samovar R3S (Networks, Systems, Services, Security) research group and co-director of the French-Korean ILLUMINE (International Laboratory on Future Media & Services) Institute.
Research interests: Data analysis using advanced AI techniques for data from the Internet of Things (smart city), media sources and social networks.
Professor in the Electronics and Physics Department and –member of theSamovar ARMEDIA (Applied Research for (multi)Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis) group.
Research interests: Machine learning, studying and building human-computer communication systems.
Associate Professor in the Signal and Image Processing Department and member of Samovar TIPIC (Data processing for Images and Communications) group.
Research Interests: Statistical signal processing, machine learning, especially methods for deep learning.
Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department, member of the Samovar ACMES group, in the HP2 (High-Performance & Parallelism) team.
Research interests: High-performance methods in network architectures and communications, optimizing data generation systems, particularly in cell biology.
Multimedia data

Professor and Director of the ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and TEchniques for Multidimensional Imaging Systems Department, member of the Samovar ARMEDIA (Applied Research for (multi)Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis) group.
Research interests: Visual content representation methods, indexing and coding content, semantic learning of images/videos, scene recognition, and virtual character reconstruction and animation techniques.
Associate Professor in the Electronics and Physics Department, member of the Samovar ARMEDIA (Applied Research for (multi)Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis) group.
Research interests: Biometrics, pattern recognition and signal processing, optimization methods for human-machine interactions.
Smart City

Associate Professor in the Networks and Services Telecom SudParisDepartment, member of the SAMOVAR R3S (Networks, Systems, Services, Security) group.
Research interests: Computers and networks, analysis of large graphs and massive data.
Computer Science

Professor and Head of the Computer Science Department, member of the SAMOVAR ACMES (Algorithms, Components, Models and Services for Distributed Computing) group, responsible for the HadapTIC research platform, which allows for the experimentation of information and communication technologies applied to connected objects.
Research interests: Developing and testing ICT middleware between connected objects.
Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department and member of the SAMOVAR ACMES (Algorithms, Components, Models and Services for Distributed Computing) group.
Research interests: Software and algorithms, he is a member of the HP2 team (High-Performance & Parallelism) which studies the performance of parallel and distributed systems.

Bernadette DORIZZI – Director of Research and Doctoral Training:
- M4P (PIA project, 2016)
Personalized, preventive, predictive and participatory medicine applied to diabetes.
- CBORBIG (Patent - SATT project, 2017)
Recognition of real-time objects in videos by machine learning and data volume processing.
- DeepOr (start-up winner of the 2015 Digital Start-Up Trophy)
Optimization of computer systems and computer-assisted vision in operating theaters.
- EMPATHIC (Horizon 2020 project)
Personalizable, empathic and expressive virtual coach of assistance to the elderly.
- PEPER (DATAIA project - with Ecole Polytechnique and Centrale Supelec, 2018)
Prediction of the "prosuming" of renewable energy by machine learning.
- Deduction of multimodal trajectories of users in urban networks from mobile data (CIFRE thesis, 2016)
Works in data mobility, in collaboration with IRT SystemX.
- Method for estimating trajectories using mobile data (Patent, 2016)
Use of SFR traces for the optimization of transport networks.
Engineer's degree - Thoroughfare (3rd year):
- JIN - Video Games and Digital Interactions
- ASR - Distributed IT Services Architect
- MSA - Statistics and Applications Modeling
- HTI - High-Tech Imaging
National Master Degrees:
- TRIED - Information Processing and Data Mining
- RVSI - Virtual Reality and Intelligent Systems
- DataScale - Data Management in a Digital World
Masters of Science:
- DATAPAC - Data Analysis and Pattern Classification
- Génopole
- Institut DATAIA
- La Poste
- Nokia
- Orange
- TeraLab
- Watiz