Admission to the English Track

Télécom SudParis

Students wishing to come to Télécom SudParis as part of a partnership agreement (exchange and/or dual degree programs) must complete a two-step application procedure:

Step 1: Nomination

Students must be nominated by their home institution using the official form.

Step 2: Application

Once they have been nominated, students must compile and submit their application file.

For dual degree students

For students nominated for a dual degree:

  • Once their nomination has been approved, applicants will receive a link for submitting their applications
  • Documents to be included:
    • Cover letter
    • Resume
    • A recent ID photo (in jpg or png format)
    • A copy of a valid passport or national ID card
    • A language certificate (at least level B2 in English)
    • An official bachelor’s degree grade transcript
    • A bachelor’s degree certificate and/or a program completion certificate
    • An official master's degree grade transcript (if applicable)
    • A master’s degree certificate and/or program completion certificate (if applicable)
    • Letter(s) of recommendation (optional)

For academic exchange students

Students registered as part of an academic exchange can join the program for the academic year (earning 60 ECTS credits) or for the fall semester (earning 30 ECTS credits). In this case, your home institution must have an agreement with Télécom SudParis and must have selected you for the exchange.

For students nominated for a non-degree-awarding exchange program:

  • Once their nomination has been approved, applicants will receive a link for submitting their application
  • Documents to be included:
    • Cover letter
    • Resume
    • A recent ID photo (in jpg or png format)
    • A copy of a valid passport or national ID card
    • A language certificate (at least level B2 in English)
    • A plan of the courses you expect to take at Télécom SudParis
    • An official bachelor’s degree grade transcript
    • An official master’s degree grade transcript (if applicable)
    • A bachelor’s degree certificate and/or a program completion certificate (if applicable)
    • Letter(s) of recommendation (optional)


Deadline for nominations and applications for the 2024-2025 academic year

  • Dual degree: March 15, 2024
  • 2024 fall exchange session: May 15, 2024
  • 2025 spring exchange session: October 15, 2024

© Télécom SudParis – Siret : 180 092 025 00055 – APE : 8542Z