Admission to the General Engineering program

Télécom SudParis

Depending on their previous studies, students can start the general engineering program during the first or second year. Graduates of this program earn an engineering Master’s degree accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs.

  • Preparatory classes for graduate schools
  • Admission based on academic qualifications
  • Competitive entrance examination organized by Institut Polytechnique de Paris


Preparatory classes for graduate schools

Admission to the first year of the Telecom SudParis general engineering program is open to students who have completed a scientific preparatory class in mathematics and physics, mathematics, physics and computer science, physics and chemistry, physics and engineering science, physics and technology, technology and engineering science, or adaptation for advanced technicians.

Admission procedures

The Mines-Telecom competitive entrance examination. Depending on their examination results, candidates may claim one of the 204 places available at Telecom SudParis.




Admission based on academic qualifications

Profile of first-year applicants

  • Holder of a Bachelor of Science or equivalent three-year degree in Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Electrical Energy and Automation, Engineering Sciences or Networks

Places available for admission by academic qualifications in first year: 5

Profile of second-year applicants

  • Holder of a Master 1 or equivalent four-year degree in Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Electrical Energy and Automation, Engineering Sciences or Networks

Places available for admission by academic qualifications in second year: 10

Admission procedures

→ L3 :

→ M1 :

  • Deadline for applications (by email only): March 12, 2024 (11pm)
  • See the instructions below for the link for the application. If you have any questions, please contact us at:
  • Application review and pre-selection
  • Eligibility results published on April 2, 2024
  • Oral admission tests and qualification tests (see instructions) from April 11-19, 2024
  • Admission results published on April 26, 2024

See the instructions for admission based on academic qualifications



Competitive entrance examination organized by Institut Polytechnique de Paris

This international admission program for engineering programs is intended for students in higher education programs in science, engineering or quantitative economics and finance outside France, which are distinct from preparatory programs for Grandes Ecoles (CPGE).
It provides access to engineering programs at the five schools that make up Institut Polytechnique de Paris:

• Ecole Polytechnique (competitive examination)
• ENSAE Paris
• ENSTA Paris
• Telecom Paris
• Telecom SudParis

Admission conditions (extract)

  • Applicants must be enrolled in a foreign (non-French) program at a higher education institution outside France.
    • Applicants must have completed their fourth year of higher education at their home university in order to apply for definitive admission (Master’s, fourth year of a four-year Bachelor’s program)
    • Excellent training in mathematics and / or physics is essential for admission.
    • Applicants must not have attended a preparatory program for an engineering degree from a school in France, particularly a preparatory program for scientific Grandes Ecoles (CPGE).
    • Applicants must be under 27 years of age on January 1, 2023
    • French applicants are not eligible. French students must apply via the academic qualifications admissions track.
    • Applicants must have a minimum B2 level in French or English (students will be required to submit the official reports of the language test results mentioned in the application at the time of application)

Knowledge of French is not mandatory for applying to this program. All admission procedures and examinations can be completed in English or French.

Test locations

Examination centers are set up around the world based on the place of residence of eligible applicants.

Applications for 2024

March 20, 2023 to September 7, 2023 on:

See the instructions for the IP Paris competitive entrance examination


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