Admission to the Engineer program Major Computer Science and Networks

Télécom SudParis

For those seeking a very high-speed networks program combining theoretical and practical components. Telecom SudParis offers an Engineering Master’s degree program with a Networks specialization accredited by the Commission des Titres de l'Ingénieur (CTI). You have two options:

  • Admission based on academic qualifications
  • Admission to preparatory classes for graduate schools

Admission based on academic qualifications

Profile of first-year applicants

Students enrolled in the last year or who have earned any of the following degrees may apply for admission to the first year of the Telecom SudParis apprenticeship engineering program:

  • University Bachelor of Technology in “Networks and Telecommunications”
  • University Bachelor of Technology in “Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing”
  • University Bachelor of Technology in “Physical Measurements”
  • University Bachelor of Technology in “Computing”
  • Licence 3 (with a specific option or specialization related to the content of the apprenticeship engineering program)
  • Bachelor’s degree (related to the apprenticeship engineering program)
  • Multidisciplinary higher education program (CPES) awarding the equivalent of a Bachelor’s degree (in an area related to the apprenticeship engineering program)
  • Or excellent second-year University Bachelor of Technology students, especially those included in agreements with partner institutions. In such cases, the applicants’ admission is governed by the agreement established between Telecom SudParis and the partner institution.

Foreign applicants may apply provided that their degree is considered to be equivalent.

Places available for the first year of the apprenticeship engineering program: 24

See the instructions for the competitive entrance examination

See the rules for admission to the first year of the apprenticeship engineering program based on academic qualifications

Profile of second-year applicants

  • Holder of a Master 1 (with a specific option or specialization related to the content of the apprenticeship engineering program)

Spots available for the second year of the apprenticeship engineering program: 2

See the instructions for the competitive entrance examination

See the rules for admission to the second year of the apprenticeship engineering program based on academic qualifications


Preparatory classes for graduate schools

Applicants in any of the following situations may apply for admission to the first year of the apprenticeship engineering program:

  • Enrolled in a preparatory class in adaptation for advanced technicians
  • Enrolled in the second year of a preparatory class in mathematics and physics, mathematics, physics and computer science, physics and chemistry, physics and engineering science, physics and technology or technology and engineering science
  • Enrolled in the second year of a preparatory program at an engineering school
  • Enrolled in an engineering program at one of the Institut Mines-Telecom schools
  • or as part of an agreement with a partner institution



Admission requirements

  • Applicants must be under 30 years of age at the signing of the apprenticeship contract (except in the case of exemptions provided by law)
  • Be of French nationality, an EU national or of foreign nationality residing legally and authorized to work full-time in France on the start date for the program
  • Have signed an apprenticeship contract for the program period

Admission procedures

  • First and second year: February 1 to March 14, via
  • Meeting of the preliminary selection board on April 7, 2023
  • Eligibility results and notification letter sent on April 7, 2023
  • Oral admission tests: motivation interview, English test and math qualification test if applicable
  • First period: April 13 and 14, 2023
  • Second period: April 20 and 21, 2023
  • Admission results on April 28, 2023

See the instructions for the competitive entrance examination

Application fees

Non-scholarship students: €77

Scholarship students: €22


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