Télécom SudParis and elm.leblanc: the keys to a successful partnership

Télécom SudParis and elm.leblanc

Télécom SudParis and elm.leblanc therefore entered a partnership in 2017. A few years later, and the results are there. The expertise of academic researchers combined with that of industrial stakeholders has helped move innovation forward. This is a public research and industry partnership, supported by the Carnot label, one of the schemes in the State’s Future Investments program.

The automatic semantics of images

    The automatic semantics of images The automatic semantics of images On December 15 2020 This article was originally published on the Institut Mines-Télécom’s scientific and technical information blog.   Recognizing faces, objects, patterns, music, architecture, or even camera movements: thanks to progress in artificial intelligence, every plan or sequence in a video can …

PROCCI Week, Behavioral and Communication Profiles


PROCCI Week, Behavioral and Communication Profiles On November 3 2020 “PROCCI” Week, the French acronym for “Behavioral and Communication Profiles” is organized each year on our Evry and Palaiseau sites. This educational program for third-year engineering students includes several workshops and training sessions. They all have a common goal: getting to know each other better …

Homage to Samuel Paty

Homage to Samuel Paty

Homage to Samuel Paty On October 22 2020 Télécom SudParis extends its deepest sympathy to Samuel Paty’s family, friends, colleagues and students, sharing the emotion that gripped our country after his assassination. Télécom SudParis is also in solidarity with the entire teaching staff, whose mission of awakening to knowledge, training critical thinking skills and freedom …

Télécom SudParis ranked 18th in the Times Higher Education’s World University Ranking of French institutions

Telecom SudParis ranked in THE

Télécom SudParis ranked 18th in the Times Higher Education’s World University Ranking of French institutions On September 21 2020 This Wednesday September 2, 2020, the English newspaper Times Higher Education published its university world ranking. The Times Higher Education ranking is based on 13 performance indicators, encompassing five areas: teaching (learning environment), research (volume, revenue …

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