Télécom SudParis ranked 18th in the Times Higher Education’s World University Ranking of French institutions On January 21 2025 in, 2020, the English newspaper Times Higher Education published its university world ranking. The Times Higher Education ranking is based on 13 performance indicators, encompassing five areas: teaching (learning environment), research (volume, revenue and reputation), citations …
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With the aim of making networks more flexible, Telecom SudParis and Airbus have created a joint innovation laboratory.
Doctoral thesis: use of smartphones sensor system to detect environmental anomalies On January 16 2025 Doctoral School : Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication and the Research Unit SAMOVAR (UMR 5157) – Services répartis, Architectures, Modélisation, Validation, Administration des Réseaux are presenting the “examination of a thesis” by Mr Van Khang NGUYEN who …
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Using personalised services without privacy loss: what solutions does technology have to offer? On January 15 2025 Online services are becoming more and more personalised. This transformation designed to satisfy the end-user might be seen as an economic opportunity, but also as a risk, since personalised services usually require personal data to be efficient. Two …
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Marius Preda is a teacher and researcher at Telecom SudParis, and Convenor of Working Group 7 (WP 7), analyzing technological needs and trends in 3D standards. Find out more about his key role in shaping the future of standards technologies and building collective visions in the field of multimedia content standardization.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris officially established On January 12 2025 PRESS RELEASE – june 3th, 2019 Institut Polytechnique de Paris, encompassing École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis has now been officially established by government decree. Its aim is to become a world-class science and technology institute. An experimental public institution The …
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Maryline Laurent, professor at Telecom SudParis and co-founder of the VP IP chair at Institut Mines-Télécom, and Montassar Naghmouchi, PhD student in Blockchain at Telecom SudParis, discuss the enormous powers of certification authorities and the excesses of cybersurveillance.
By Alexandre Vervisch-Picois, associate professor at Telecom SudParis, GNSS and GPS geolocation expert
Something worth celebrating: a French scientific article has been accepted to SOSP 2021! The article is titled “J-NVM: Off-heap Persistent Objects in Java” and is by Anatole Lefort et. al., from the SAMOVAR team, directed by Professor Gaël Thomas at Telecom SudParis (TSP).
The automatic semantics of images The automatic semantics of images On December 15 2024 This article was originally published on the Institut Mines-Télécom’s scientific and technical information blog. Recognizing faces, objects, patterns, music, architecture, or even camera movements: thanks to progress in artificial intelligence, every plan or sequence in a video can …
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