U-Multirank: Telecom SudParis shines in digital education and knowledge transfer to companies

Télécom SudParis

U-Multirank, a multi-criteria global ranking system, was initiated by the European Commission to compare the performance of higher education and research institutions. Published on June 21, U-Multirank 2022 assessed 2,200 universities and higher education institutions from 96 countries.


U-Multirank listed Telecom SudParis among the top 3 institutions with the highest number of “A” ratings in France.

Telecom SudParis has participated in U-Multirank for several years, and distinguished itself in several categories:

  • Number one French institution for “digital education investment" and “spin-offs",
  • Tie for first in the “pedagogically skilled teaching staff” category,
  • 4th French institution for the “co-publications with industrial partners”, “interdisciplinary publications", "Master graduates working in the region" indicators and
  • 10th for "international academic staff".

Ranked among U-Multirank’s top 100 in the world

This year, more than 60% of the indicators are good or very good for Telecom SudParis  (22/36) and more than 83% are average or higher (29/36).

Telecom SudParis even ranked among the top 100 in the world on these three indicators:

  • TOP 5 worldwide (1st)– 1st French institution – digital education investment indicator
  • TOP 10 worldwide (8th) – 1st French institution – spin-offs indicator
  • TOP 50 worldwide (45th)– 14th French institution – international doctorate degrees indicator

U-Multirank “Very good” and “Good” scores for Telecom SudParis

Telecom SudParis achieved the following scores:

VERY GOOD: 18 for

  • Digital education investment
  • Graduating on time (bachelors)
  • Graduating on time (masters)
  • Pedagogically skilled teaching staff
  • External research income
  • Interdisciplinary publications
  • Professional publications
  • Research publications (size-normalized)
  • Top cited publications
  • Co-publications with industrial partners
  • Publications cited in patents
  • Spin-offs
  • International academic staff
  • International doctorate degrees
  • International joint publications
  • Master graduates working in the region
  • Regional joint publications
  • Regional publications with industrial partners

GOOD: 4 for

  • Bachelor graduation rate
  • Citation rate
  • Foreign language Master's programs
  • Student mobility


U-Multirank: The largest international database of world universities

The U-Multirank system is based on 5 dimensions, which are rated from A "very good" to E "low":

  • Research
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Teaching and learning
  • International orientation
  • Regional engagement

In recent years, U-Multirank has become the largest international database of universities from around the world. Because of the database’s representative nature, users can perform multidimensional and interactive comparisons on five performance criteria. U-Multirank is a customizable online tool that helps students choose the university or program that is right for them. It is available at www.umultirank.org.


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