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Erasmus Days: training engineers to conquer the world!
On June 20 2024
Updated on February 13, 2025, to reflect the latest information.
Academic mobility: a concept that sounds familiar to some and mysterious to others. But what does the term really mean? For engineering students at Telecom SudParis, academic mobility represents an extraordinary opportunity to immerse themselves in enriching international experiences. For the "Erasmus Days", we wanted to explore how Telecom SudParis is training engineers who are ready to go out and conquer the world.
Erasmus Days: what are they, and why is Telecom SudParis taking part?
"Erasmus Days" is not just a festival, it's an event that celebrates international mobility and European citizenship. For more than three decades, it has promoted Erasmus programs beyond the usual scholarships for students studying in other member countries to include innovative projects throughout the world. Telecom SudParis takes an active part in encouraging students to be open to the world and become enlightened European citizens.
Erasmus programs' benefits for engineering students
One of the reasons why Telecom SudParis's engineering students are motivated by Erasmus programs is the financial aspect. Students who take part in international mobility programs can receive scholarships that are not means tested. Erasmus is open to everyone on two conditions: participants must choose a country eligible for the Erasmus program and spend at least two months abroad, whether for studies or an internship.
Our engineering students' most popular destinations
Telecom SudParis students choose a diverse set of destinations and are mainly guided by their affinities and academic journey. Popular destinations include Canada, South Korea, the United States and Japan as well as our European partners Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Spain and Italy. Each year, new, exotic destinations join the list, with Vietnam, Hong Kong, China and Romania being added this year.
The Erasmus programs open to our students
Telecom SudParis offers its students a variety of Erasmus programs and scholarships for international mobility both within and outside Europe. The application process has been simplified and digitized with the Mobility on Line platform, in accordance with the European Commission's desire to modernize its administrative procedures.
Encourage diverse destinations and experiences
Telecom SudParis's International Relations Department plays a key role in encouraging diversity in destinations and experiences. Regular events are held throughout the year to present international partners and their academic programs to students. These events also include testimonials from students taking part in these programs, providing valuable insights into life abroad.
In addition to these events, students considering academic or professional programs abroad are offered personalized support. An academic adviser helps them choose journeys consistent with their career objectives to make their experience abroad fulfilling and relevant.
An example of success
To illustrate the success of Erasmus programs, let's take the example of four students who created a company within the school's incubator. They managed to export their project abroad with the support of our Samovar research laboratory and management. Their project was recognized as a valid, required experience abroad, and they received Erasmus scholarships to continue with their project in Switzerland.
At Telecom SudParis, the "Erasmus Days" are more than just a celebration. They embody the school's commitment to international mobility and train competent engineers who are open to the world. These initiatives help students to forge a European identity while building their skills, and HR departments receive candidates ready to tackle the challenges of an international career.
Telecom SudParis strives to train a new generation of responsible engineers ready to conquer the world, one academic mobility at a time.