Digital Twin: the revolution in the global economy and industry

Article updated on February 13, 2025, to reflect the latest information.

Innovation and research are at the heart of our concerns at Telecom SudParis. It is also one of the aims of Noel Crespi and Roberto Minerva, two Telecom SudParis faculty members. The publication of their work, The Digital Twin, jointly edited with Adam T. Drobot and published by Springer, marks a major turning point in the field of digital twins.

The Digital Twin is about harnessing the power of technology, business practices and digital infrastructure to deliver revolutionary improvements for society. With contributions from 90 experts from around the world, the book summarizes four decades of progress and digital successes and defines the potential of the digital twin for future decades. The work describes how digital twins are set to play a key role in specific applications and in important sectors of the global economy, making it a must-read for executives, policy-makers, technical managers, researchers and students.

The book includes 38 chapters covering the concepts of digital twins, supporting technologies, and practices and specific implementation strategies for a range of production and service sectors.


The Digital Twin: the ideal starting point for teaching and research in all fields of application

The Digital TwinDigital twins make it possible to create products, processes and services that are faster, cheaper and error-free. This includes systems engineering for energy, communications, construction, transportation and food processing. It is also about solutions to make peoples’ lives better and more enjoyable through life sciences, smart cities and artistic creations.

The uses of digital twins concern the entire product and service lifecycle, and the book notably describes the necessary path for companies and public bodies to integrate digital twins into their toolbox.

So, how will digital twins play a key role in important sectors of the global economy in the coming decades? Find the answer in this book, available on Amazon!




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