
Telecom SudParis undertakes to make its internet, intranet and extranet sites accessible, in accordance with article 47 of law n° 2005-102 of 11 February 2005. This declaration of accessibility applies to the Telecom SudParis website ( It was made on September 26, 2024.

State of conformity

The Telecom SudParis website is not compliant with the RGAA. An accessibility audit has been conducted, revealing a compliance rate of 30%. Improvements are underway to enhance accessibility and achieve full compliance with the RGAA requirements.

Improvement and contact

If you cannot access a content or a service, you can contact the person in charge of the ENSTA Paris website to be directed towards an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.

  • Phone: 01 60 76 43 18
  • E-mail :
  • Contact form:
  • Address:
    Télécom SudParis
    Direction de la Communication
    9 rue Charles Fourier
    91011 Evry Cedex

Appeal procedure

This procedure is to be used in the following case: you have notified the website manager of a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing content or services on the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response within a reasonable time.

You can:


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