Fighting gender violence

Our aim is to train women and men to build a responsible digital society. Telecom SudParis is determined to fight violence at the school. Through its action plan, the school is committed to preventing violence, creating a safe learning environment, implementing reporting systems, helping victims, and monitoring and evaluating its actions.

The listening unit

The Telecom SudParis listening unit offers support for students, doctoral students and staff who are victims or witnesses of physical, sexual or psychological violence on campus. On the Evry campus, the listening unit is jointly coordinated with IMT-BS.

The listening unit’s fields of action

  • Prevention: training for management and engineering students; information campaigns on the reporting system
  • Listening and support for presumed victims or witnesses of sexual and/or gender-based violence (SGBV): accompaniment and follow-up for people in difficulty in confidentiality and anonymity; support through assistance measures with the person’s prior agreement.

The listening unit is composed of members from Telecom SudParis and Institut Mines-Telecom Business School.

It can be contacted by email (response within 5 working days). The members listed here (ecampus access only) can also be contacted directly. The unit has no disciplinary role and cannot pronounce sanctions; that is the role of the school council.

You can contact the listening unit anonymously if you wish by clicking on the button below or directly at this address : All exchanges are confidential.

Telecom SudParis gender equality officer

The officer can be contacted for any questions relating to gender equality or discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. They are available on the Evry campus in A04.

The listening unit at Telecom SudParis is led by Sandrine Chapelet, the Gender Equality Officer. The officers always work in pairs. In case of absence, you can contact Maryse Combanaire.

Contact : Sandrine.Chapelet

A multi-disciplinary health team

A multi-disciplinary health team is available on campus to help students do their studies in the best physical, psychological and social conditions.

Contact the Health team


Service open from Monday to Friday
from 9am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 5:15pm.
Contact: Audrey Gallineau, Tel: +33 (0)1 60 76 43 73

Doctor Legoff is available two Mondays a month from 1pm to 2:30pm.

Amélie Miret is available three times a month on Wednesdays on campus from 10:30am to 12pm.

Social worker
Maïva Teillagorry is on campus every Wednesday, no appointment required. The social worker is available from 9am to 11am and from 1pm to 3pm.

Disability Officer
Sandrine Chapelet is the Disability Officer. She works closely with the Academic Affairs Department.

Alert the management

The management of Telecom SudParis can be contacted at any time by email, addressed to the following persons:

  • François Dellacherie, President of the School
  • Hervé Debar, Vice-President of the School
  • Emmanuel Monfrini, Dean of Studies


Report an issue

User confidentiality is respected throughout the report treatment process. All reported issues are followed up and carefully analyzed.

Telecom SudParis' commitment

Telecom SudParis is a signatory of the Gender Equality Charter (fr) and a contributor to the white paper on Égalité femmes-hommes, de la déclaration d’intention à l’expérimentation (Gender Equality, from Declaration of Intent to Experience - fr) by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles. The text of the Charter affirms that “Gender equality is a fundamental right for all, and a core value of democracy.”

By signing this text, the school affirms its desire to implement a sustainable policy of equality in this area and to prevent all forms of gender-based violence and harassment.

Telecom SudParis action plan

  • Promote the importance of the mission
  • Raise awareness and train staff and students
  • Strengthen prevention and reporting mechanisms and their operation
  • Use non-sexist, non-discriminatory, and non-stereotypical communication tools
  • Assess gender statistics and publish the results

Download the Telecom SudParis action plan (fr)

IMT action plan

  • Commitment, information, and communication
  • Training for students and staff
  • Support and listening
  • Legal aspects
  • Barometer, indicators, and continuous improvement

Download the IMT action plan(fr)

Training to create a safe and welcoming environment

Awareness training on gender-based and sexual violence aims to create a safer and more supportive environment at the school by using strong messages to emphasize non-violence and the application of codes of conduct detailing ethical standards and rules for faculty and students.

  • Training members of the listening services and the people involved in the disciplinary treatment of cases.
  • Awareness raising and training for the school's management committee since 2019
  • Informing and training teaching and support staff
  • Informing and training the student community:
    • All presidents of student associations
    • Students from 1st year through 3rd year via courses, SPOC or MOOC on a range of topics such as “Feminine/Masculine: Stereotypes and freedoms”, “Feminine/Masculine in the world of digital travel and discoveries” (prize-winner during Ingénieuses'16), “Understanding diversity and putting it into practice in the workplace”, and “Diversity in digital professions”.
    • Screening of a film on the meaning of consent for all students at the start of the year, with commentary by the gender equality officer, distribution of an information guide on SGBV among all students, also available on the ecampus intranet.
    • Signature by the president of the Bureau des Elèves of the charter against dangerous behavior every year in front of all new students, who are also given a copy of the charter upon their arrival.
    • Charter signed between the school and associations creating the obligation to designate an SD&RS manager in each non-humanitarian association.


A few examples of projects:                                                           

  • “Olympe de Gouges and Benoîte Groult” exhibition in 2016;
  • Conference/Debate: “Exclusion/Inclusion - Women in IT training and professions” in 2017;
  • Photo shoot with the message "Sexism not our kind" by student associations in 2017;
  • Participation in challenges such as the “Challenge InnovaTech 2018” organized by Elles Bougent, in which two of the school’s students were awarded the Special Prize for equality between girls and boys;
  • Exhibition on “Great figures in women's sports” for Equality Week with student associations in 2019;
  • A play for 1st-year students on the theme of “Harassment” in 2019;
  • Round-table discussion during “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women” in 2021.
A virtual reality film to make people feel more concerned by these issues

A virtual reality film to make people feel more concerned by these issues

During this 10-minute immersive experience, each student sees things from the point of view of Léa, a 1st-year student who witnesses and experiences gender-based and sexual violence. Then, through an interactive quiz, the film reviews the key moments of the immersive experience to allow the viewer to learn to identify warning signs and distinguish the different situations.

The film, made by the company Reverto, is the result of work by students from Institut Mines-Telecom schools based on their personal experiences and with the help of the schools’ gender equality officers.

© Télécom SudParis – Siret : 180 092 025 00055 – APE : 8542Z