Fondation Mines-Telecom

Fondation Mines-Telecom supports IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) in its training, innovation, research and foresight missions at the heart of digital, industrial, energy and educational transformations.

Foundation's actions

Fondation Mines-Telecom’s actions are built on 4 values:

  • Excellence: combining high standards and ambition to support expertise in the schools
  • Solidarity: fostering a collective spirit to take our schools forward together
  • Diversity: allowing the schools to welcome and encourage as many talented people as possible
  • Transparency: managing resources and acting scrupulously with respect for patrons’ choices

Become a Foundation Patron

The Fondation Mines-Telecom federates 60 partnerships with companies, including 3 founding partners and the support of more than 1,700 individual patrons, alumni and parents of students. The Foundation is committed to 4 major activities:

  • Training: Development of online courses (MOOCs), excellence scholarships, international scholarships, entrepreneurship training program
  • Research: teaching chairs, "Futur & Ruptures" thesis funding program
  • Innovation: Honorary loans to start-ups, support for incubators
  • Foresight: annual publication of a technology watch, debates, seminars and conferences.

The Fondation Mines-Telecom is partner to teaching and research chairs to which Telecom SudParis contributes.

Your tax benefits if you support us:

You benefit from a tax reduction of 66% of the donation on your income tax, 75% on your wealth tax or 60% on your company tax.


© Télécom SudParis – Siret : 180 092 025 00055 – APE : 8542Z