Careers in engineering

  • Nearly 300 partner companies for internships and projects.
  • More than 70 industrialists participating in steering committees and admission boards.
  • About forty companies involved in designing school programs and advising the school's strategy.
Careers in engineering

Careers in engineering

Télécom SudParis provides the skills which enable engineers to work in the entire digital technology market: telecom operators, equipment providers, software engineering companies and IT consultants.

Furthermore, the scientific-generalist curriculum and the exposure to management education on campus with its partner Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, equips them with the right skills to succeed in a broad range of other sectors including finance, marketing, strategy, etc.

Students in Télécom SudParis are highly sought by employers even while they are still in school and during their internships: in 2019, 95% of our students were hired within three months of graduation and 80% of them signed the job contract while carrying out their final internship.

Télécom SudParis graduates can look forward to exciting careers abroad: in 2019, 13,2% of our graduates found their first employment outside of France. The US was the top hirer, followed by Europe, Japan and the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa).

Recruitment managers from major companies are on campus several times a year to introduce their company.

Télécom SudParis provides numerous opportunities for students to meet with the business community, and thus maintain the link between education and the professional world.

Corporate meetings

Companies forge links with students throughout their program of study: members of industry are invited to speak as guest lecturers, companies frame project-work for students to conduct, students spend at least 9 months carrying out internships and recruitment managers regularly visit the campus.

Additionally Télécom SudParis, Télécom ParisTech, and Institut Mines-Télécom Business School jointly organize an annual recruitment fair called: “Telecommunications Forum”. Its 28th and next edition will take place on December 3th, 2019 at Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles. With more than a hundred companies and nearly 4,500 visitors expected for this event which has established itself as a meeting place for recruitment in France.

Beyond the presence of telecom operators, as suggested by the name, the Telecommunications Forum welcomes companies from other sectors of activity. With the presence of EY, BNP Paribas, Nokia, Airbus or Amazon, all digital engineers and managers have the opportunity to meet and exchange directly with company representatives who will help them find an internship or job in fields ranging from consulting and auditing services to computer engineering, the finance industry or banks.

Class sponsorship

Each class of Télécom SudParis graduates is sponsored by a major group or successful and innovative small or medium sized company over the three-year program of study. Thus a special relationship develops between the company and students.

The class 2017-2020 is sponsored by Devoteam.

logo de devoteam

Successful placements

The Télécom & Management Alumni association is a shared association by Télécom SudParis and IMT Business School to foster ties between students, graduates and companies.

This interaction allows students to take advantage of feedback from their predecessors and promotes the regular updating of courses to meet market expectations. The association has more than 14 157 members and it receives about 2068 job offers every year.

picto flècheLearn more about the alumni network

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