Doctoral thesis: “Alarm prediction in networks via spatiotemporal pattern search and machine learning”
On July 29 2021
Doctoral School: Mathématiques Hadamard and the Research Unit SAMOVAR - Services répartis, Architectures, Modélisation, Validation, Administration des Réseaux are presenting the "examination of a thesis" by M. Achille SALAÜN, who is expected to defend his research to obtain his PhD at l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris, prepared at Telecom SudParis in: Computer science
"Alarm prediction in networks via spatiotemporal pattern search and machine learning"
THURSDAY, JULY 8, 2021 at 2 pm,
Paris-Rennes-Nice (EIT Digital)
LINCS 23, avenue d’Italie 75013 Paris
Jury members:
- M. Noel CRESPI, Professor, Telecom SudParis Institut Polytechnique de Paris & Institut Mines-Telecom, FRANCE - Directeur de these
- M. Roberto MINERVA, Associate Professor, Telecom SudParis Institut Polytechnique de Paris & Institut Mines-Telecom, FRANCE - CoDirecteur de these
- Mme Joanna KOLODZIEJ, Professor, Naukowa i Akademicka Siec Komputerowa - Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy (NASK-PIB), ul. Kolska, POLOGNE - Reviewer
- M. Abdelkader LAHMADI, Associate Professor, University of Lorraine, FRANCE - Examiner
- M. Joaquin GARCIA-ALFARO, Professor, Telecom SudParis Institut Polytechnique de Paris & Institut Mines-Telecom, FRANCE - Examiner
- Mme Mirjana IVANOVIC, Professor, University of Novi Sad, SERBIE - Reviewer